Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

When an ice is kept on the palm, it starts melting because.


Of the presence of sweat on the palm


of the atmospheric and body pressure on the to the ice cube


The heat energy of the palm gets transferred to the ice cube


The heat energy of the ice cube gets transferred to the palm

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Situation: When an ice cube is placed on the palm, the ice is at a temperature below 0 degrees Celsius, while the human body temperature is approximately 37 degrees Celsius.

2. Heat Transfer Principle: According to the laws of thermodynamics, heat always flows from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature.

3. Identifying Temperature Difference: In this case, the palm (37 degrees Celsius) is at a higher temperature compared to the ice cube (0 degrees Celsius or lower).

4. Direction of Heat Flow: Since the palm is warmer, heat will flow from the palm to the ice cube.

5. Effect of Heat on Ice: As the heat from the palm is transferred to the ice cube, the ice absorbs this heat energy.

6. Melting of Ice: The absorbed heat energy causes the ice to undergo a phase change from solid to liquid, resulting in the melting of the ice.

7. Conclusion: Therefore, the reason the ice starts melting when placed on the palm is that the heat energy from the palm is transferred to the ice cube, causing it to melt.

Final Answer: The ice starts melting because the heat energy of the palm gets transferred to the ice cube.

