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Which important discovery was made by Oersted ?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Introduction to Oersted: Oersted was a Danish physicist and chemist known for his significant contributions to the field of electromagnetism.

2. Discovery of the Relationship: The most important discovery made by Oersted was the relationship between electric current and magnetic fields. He established that an electric current flowing through a wire generates a magnetic field around it.

3. Observation of Magnetic Fields: Oersted observed that when current flows in a wire, it creates a magnetic field in the surrounding space. This was a groundbreaking discovery as it was the first time a clear connection between electricity and magnetism was made.

4. Direction of the Magnetic Field: To determine the direction of the magnetic field produced by a current-carrying wire, Oersted introduced a simple rule: if you point the thumb of your right hand in the direction of the current, the curl of your fingers will indicate the direction of the magnetic field lines.

5. Historical Context: Oersted's discovery was made on July 21, 1820, and it laid the foundation for the field of electromagnetism, influencing many future scientists and technologies.
