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556389?=1 23 (b) 32 (c) 1718 (d) 3

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To solve the equation 556389?=1, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions
First, we convert the mixed numbers 556 and 389 into improper fractions.

- For 556:

- For 389:

Step 2: Substitute the Improper Fractions into the Equation
Now we substitute these improper fractions back into the equation:

Step 3: Find a Common Denominator
To subtract the fractions 356 and 359, we need a common denominator. The least common multiple of 6 and 9 is 18.

- Convert 356 to have a denominator of 18:

- Convert 359 to have a denominator of 18:

Step 4: Perform the Subtraction
Now we can subtract:

Step 5: Substitute Back into the Equation
Now we substitute back into the equation:

Step 6: Isolate the Unknown
To isolate ?, we rearrange the equation:

Step 7: Convert 1 to a Fraction with a Denominator of 18
Convert 1 to a fraction:

Step 8: Perform the Final Subtraction
Now we perform the subtraction:

Final Answer
Thus, the value of the missing numeral is:
