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After how many places decimal expansion of 3147 1875 will terminate

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To determine how many places the decimal expansion of 31471875 will terminate, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Factor the denominator
We need to factor the denominator 1875 into its prime factors.


Step 2: Identify the form of the denominator
For a decimal to terminate, the denominator (after simplification) must be of the form 2m×5n. This means that it can only have the prime factors 2 and 5.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction
We can simplify the fraction 31471875. First, we check if 3147 and 1875 have any common factors.

Calculating the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of 3147 and 1875 can help us simplify the fraction.

Using the Euclidean algorithm:
- 3147÷1875=1 remainder 1272
- 1875÷1272=1 remainder 603
- 1272÷603=2 remainder 66
- 603÷66=9 remainder 9
- 66÷9=7 remainder 3
- 9÷3=3 remainder 0

Thus, the GCD is 3.

Now we simplify:


Step 4: Factor the simplified denominator
Now we factor the denominator 625:


Step 5: Determine the values of m and n
In the expression 2m×5n:
- Here, m=0 (since there are no factors of 2)
- n=4 (since 625=54)

Step 6: Determine the number of decimal places
The decimal expansion will terminate after n places, where n=4.

Final Answer
Thus, the decimal expansion of 31471875 will terminate after 4 places.

