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Are f and g both necessarily onto, if gofis onto?

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To determine whether both functions f and g must be onto if the composition gf is onto, we can analyze the definitions and properties of onto functions.

1. Understanding Onto Functions:
A function f:AB is called onto (or surjective) if for every element b in the codomain B, there exists at least one element a in the domain A such that f(a)=b.

2. Composition of Functions:
The composition gf means applying f first and then applying g to the result. This is defined as (gf)(x)=g(f(x)).

3. Assuming gf is Onto:
Suppose gf is onto. This means that for every element c in the codomain of g, there exists an element x in the domain of f such that g(f(x))=c.

4. Constructing a Counterexample:
Let's construct a specific example to show that f does not need to be onto.
- Let f:{1,2,3,4}{1,2,3} defined as:
- f(1)=1
- f(2)=2
- f(3)=3
- f(4)=3 (not onto because 4 is not mapped to anything in the codomain)
- Let g:{1,2,3}{1,2,3} defined as:
- g(1)=1
- g(2)=2
- g(3)=3 (this function is onto)

5. Checking the Composition:
Now, let's check gf:
- For f(1)=1, g(f(1))=g(1)=1
- For f(2)=2, g(f(2))=g(2)=2
- For f(3)=3, g(f(3))=g(3)=3
- For f(4)=3, g(f(4))=g(3)=3

Thus, the range of gf is {1,2,3}, which means gf is onto.

6. Conclusion:
In this example, f is not onto, but g is onto, and gf is onto. Therefore, it is not necessary for both f and g to be onto for gf to be onto.

Final Answer:
No, both f and g are not necessarily onto if gf is onto.

Updated on:7/8/2024

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