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Arrange the fraction 35 , 47 , 89  and 911 in their descending order.

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To arrange the fractions 35,47,89, and 911 in descending order, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert Each Fraction to Decimal
To compare the fractions easily, we will convert each fraction to its decimal form.

1. Convert 35:

2. Convert 47:

3. Convert 89:

4. Convert 911:

Step 2: Compare the Decimal Values
Now that we have the decimal values:
- 35=0.6
- 470.571
- 890.888
- 9110.818

We can now compare these decimal values to find the largest and smallest.

Step 3: Arrange in Descending Order
From the decimal values, we can see:
- The largest value is 0.888 (which corresponds to 89).
- The next largest is 0.818 (which corresponds to 911).
- Then we have 0.6 (which corresponds to 35).
- The smallest value is 0.571 (which corresponds to 47).

Thus, the fractions in descending order are:

Final Answer:

