Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Check the commutativity of * on Z defined by ab=a+b+ab for all a, bZ .

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To check the commutativity of the operation * defined by ab=a+b+ab for all a,bZ, we need to verify whether ab=ba.

1. Define the operation: The operation is defined as:

2. Calculate ba: We need to compute ba using the same operation:

3. Rewrite ba: Since multiplication is commutative, we know that ab=ba. Thus, we can rewrite ba:

4. Compare ab and ba: Now, we compare the two expressions:

5. Observe equality: Notice that both expressions are identical:
This shows that ab=ba.

6. Conclusion: Since ab=ba holds for all integers a and b, we conclude that the operation * is commutative on Z.
