Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Construct a triangle ABC in which base AB=5cm, A=300 and ACBC=2.5cm.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To construct triangle ABC with the given conditions, follow these steps:

Step-by-Step Construction:

1. Draw the Base AB:
- Use a ruler to draw a line segment AB that measures 5 cm.
- Label the endpoints as A and B.

Hint: Ensure that the measurement is accurate using the ruler.

2. Construct Angle A:
- At point A, use a compass to construct an angle of 30 degrees.
- Place the compass point at A and draw an arc that intersects the line segment AB.
- Label the intersection point as C1.
- With the compass still at A, draw another arc from C1 to create the angle.

Hint: Use a protractor to measure the 30-degree angle accurately.

3. Extend Ray AX:
- Extend the ray from A through C1 to a point X. This ray will be used to locate point C.

Hint: Make sure the ray is straight and extends sufficiently beyond point C1.

4. Cut an Arc of Length 2.5 cm:
- With the compass point at A, set the compass to a width of 2.5 cm and draw an arc that intersects the ray AX.
- Label the intersection point as D.

Hint: Double-check the compass width before drawing the arc to ensure it is exactly 2.5 cm.

5. Join Points B and D:
- Draw a line segment from point B to point D.

Hint: Use a ruler to ensure that the line is straight and connects both points accurately.

6. Construct the Perpendicular Bisector of BD:
- To find the perpendicular bisector, place the compass at point B and draw arcs above and below the line segment BD.
- Without changing the compass width, repeat this from point D to create two more arcs.
- Label the intersection points of the arcs as E and F.
- Draw a line through points E and F. This is the perpendicular bisector of BD.

Hint: Ensure that the arcs are equal in radius for accurate bisector construction.

7. Locate Point C:
- The perpendicular bisector will intersect the ray AX at a point. Label this intersection point as C.

Hint: Make sure to mark point C clearly as it is the third vertex of the triangle.

8. Join Points A and C, and B and C:
- Draw line segments AC and BC to complete triangle ABC.

Hint: Check that all sides are connected properly to form a triangle.

Final Check:
- Ensure that the triangle ABC meets the conditions: AB = 5 cm, ∠A = 30°, and AC - BC = 2.5 cm.
