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Construct an isosceles triangle ABC such that AB = 6 cm, BC = AC = 4 cm. Bisect C internally and mark a point P on this bisector such that CP = 5 cm. Find the points Q and R which are 5 cm from P and also 5 cm from the line AB.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Draw Line Segment AB:
- Draw a horizontal line segment AB measuring 6 cm. Label the endpoints as A and B.

2. Construct Arcs for Points C:
- With point A as the center, draw an arc with a radius of 4 cm.
- With point B as the center, draw another arc with a radius of 4 cm.
- The intersection of these two arcs will give you point C.

3. Join Points to Form Triangle ABC:
- Connect points A and C, and points B and C to form triangle ABC. This triangle is isosceles with AB = 6 cm and AC = BC = 4 cm.

4. Bisect Angle C:
- Use a compass to bisect angle C. Draw a line from point C that divides the angle into two equal parts. Label the bisector as line segment CD.

5. Mark Point P on the Bisector:
- On the bisector CD, measure and mark a point P such that CP = 5 cm.

6. Draw a Line Parallel to AB:
- From point P, draw a line parallel to line AB at a distance of 5 cm. Label this line as line M.

7. Locate Points Q and R:
- With point P as the center, use a compass to draw a circle with a radius of 5 cm.
- The intersections of this circle with line M will give you points Q and R.

8. Join Points P to Q and P to R:
- Draw line segments PQ and PR to connect point P to points Q and R.

Final Result:
Points Q and R are the required points that are both 5 cm from point P and 5 cm from the line AB.

