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To prove the equation cosθ(tanθ+2)(2tanθ+1)=2secθ+5sinθ, we will simplify the left-hand side step by step and show that it equals the right-hand side.

1. Start with the Left-Hand Side (LHS):

2. Substitute tanθ:
Recall that tanθ=sinθcosθ. Substitute this into the equation:

3. Simplify the Expression:
Rewrite the expression:
This simplifies to:

4. Multiply by cosθ:
The cosθ in the numerator and one cosθ in the denominator cancels:

5. Expand the Numerator:
Now, expand the numerator:
This simplifies to:

6. Separate the Terms:
Now separate the terms in the fraction:
This becomes:

7. Convert to Secant and Sine:
Recall that tan2θ=sin2θcos2θ and secθ=1cosθ:

8. Final Result:
Thus, we have shown that:
Therefore, the equation is proved.
