Determine if A sub B or A cancel sub B where A={x :x is an integer which is both even and odd"},B ={x:x is an integer, x ≠ x}Solution in Odia
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View SolutionIf A={1,2,3,4},B={1,2,3}andC={2,4}, the find all sets X such that
(i) X⊂BandX⊂C
(ii) X sub and X cancel(sub)B.
View SolutionIn each of the following, determine whether the statement is true or false. If it is true, prove it. If it is false, give an example
(i) If x∈AandA∈B, then x∈B
(ii) If A⊂BandB∈C, then A∈C
(iii) If A⊂BandB⊂C, then A⊂C
(iv) If A cancel(sub)B and B cancel(sub) C, then A cancel(sub)C
(v) If x in A and A cancel(sub)B, then x∈B
(vi) If A sub B and x cancel(in) B, then x cancel(in)A.
View SolutionState in each case whehter A sub B or A cancel(sub)B.
(i) A={0,1,2,3},B={1,2,3,4,5}
(v) A={x:x is a even natural number },B={x:x is a integer }
(vii) A={x:x is a real number },B={x:x is a complex number}
(viii)A={x:x is an isosceles triangle in a planel,
B={x:x is an equilateral triangle in the same plane }
(ix)A={x:x is a square in a plane }
B={x:x is a rectangle in the same plane }
(x)A={x:x is a triangle in a plane },
B=(x:x is a rectangle in the same plane},
(ξ)A={x:x is an even natural number less than 8}
B={x:x is a natural number which divides32}.
View SolutionState whether the given statement is true or false :
(i) if A⊂Bandxl∈ then x lin A.<br>(ii)IfA sube phithenA=ϕ
(iii) If A,BandC are three sets such that ∈BandB⊂CthenA⊂C.
(iv) If A, B and C are three sets such that A⊂BandB∈C" then "A∈C.
(v) If A, B and C are three sets such taht A cancel(sub) B and B cancel(sub)C " then " A cancel(sub)C.<br>(vi)IfA,Baresetssuchtˆ x in A and A in Bthenx in B.
View Solutionज्ञात कीजिए कि निम्नलिखित में से प्रत्येक कथन सत्य है या असत्य है। यदि सत्य है, तो उसे सिद्ध कीजिए । यदि असत्य है, तो एक उदाहरण दीजिए।
(i) यदि x∈A तथा A∈B, तो x∈B (ii) यदि A⊂B तथा B∈C, तो A∈C
(iii) यदि A⊂B तथा B⊂C, तो A⊂C (iv) यदि A cancel(sub) B तथा B cancel(sub) C, तो A cancel(sub) C
(v) यदि x∈A तथा A cancel(sub) B, तो x∈B (vi) यदि A⊂B तथा x cancel(sub) B तो x∉A
View Solutionमाना A={a,b,c,d},B={a,b,c} और C=[b,d] सभी समुछ्य X ज्ञात कीजिय, इस प्रकार की :
X⊂A और X cancel sub B
View Solutionकथन में सत्य अथवा असत्य बताते हुवे समझिये यदि ये सत्य है तो इसे सिद्ध कीजिय :
यदि A⊂B और x cancel in B तब x cancel in A
View Solutionनिम्लिखित कथनों में कौन-से कथन सत्य है?
(i) यदि x∈A और A⊆B तब x∈B
(ii) यदि A⊂B और B⊂C तब A⊂C
(iii) यदि A cancel sub B और B cancelsubeC तब A cancelsubC
(iv) यदि x∈A और A cancelsubB तब x∈B
(v) यदि A⊂B और x cancelin B तब x cancelin A
View Solutionजांच कीजिए कि निम्नलिखित कथन सत्य है अथवा नहीं-
(i) {1,2}cancel(sub){1,2,3}
(ii) {a,b}⊂{x:x अंग्रेजी वर्णमाला का एक अक्षर है}
(iii) {x:x एक विषम प्राकृतिक संख्या है }⊆{x:x एक धन पूर्णांक है}
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