Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Determine the total number of binary operations on the set S={1, 2} having 1 as the identity element.

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To determine the total number of binary operations on the set S={1,2} having 1 as the identity element, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Identity Element
An identity element e in a set S is defined such that for any element aS, the following holds:
- ae=a
- ea=a

In this case, we are given that 1 is the identity element. Therefore:
- 11=1
- 12=2
- 21=2

Step 2: Define the Binary Operation
A binary operation on a set S is a function :S×SS. Since S={1,2}, we need to define the operation for all pairs in S×S:
- (1,1)
- (1,2)
- (2,1)
- (2,2)

Step 3: Determine Values for Each Pair
Since 1 is the identity element, we can determine the values for each pair:
1. For (1,1): The result must be 1 (identity property).
2. For (1,2): The result must be 2 (identity property).
3. For (2,1): The result must be 2 (identity property).
4. For (2,2): This can either be 1 or 2 (no restrictions).

Step 4: Count the Possible Operations
From the above pairs, we have:
- (1,1) gives 1 (1 choice)
- (1,2) gives 2 (1 choice)
- (2,1) gives 2 (1 choice)
- (2,2) can be either 1 or 2 (2 choices)

Now, we can multiply the number of choices:
Total operations=1×1×1×2=2

Thus, the total number of binary operations on the set S={1,2} having 1 as the identity element is 2.

