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Differentiate the functions with respect to x

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To differentiate the function f(x)=sin(x2+5) with respect to x, we will use the chain rule. The chain rule states that if you have a composite function f(g(x)), then the derivative is given by f(g(x))g(x).

1. Identify the outer and inner functions:
- Here, the outer function is f(u)=sin(u) where u=x2+5.
- The inner function is g(x)=x2+5.

2. Differentiate the outer function:
- The derivative of f(u)=sin(u) with respect to u is f(u)=cos(u).

3. Differentiate the inner function:
- The derivative of g(x)=x2+5 with respect to x is g(x)=2x.

4. Apply the chain rule:
- According to the chain rule, the derivative of f(g(x)) is:
- Substituting g(x) back into the equation, we have:
- Therefore, the derivative becomes:

5. Final result:
- Thus, the derivative of sin(x2+5) with respect to x is:

The derivative of the function sin(x2+5) with respect to x is 2xcos(x2+5).
