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Examine the continuity of f(x) ={|x1|x1x10x=1 at x = 1

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To examine the continuity of the function


at x=1, we need to check three values:

1. limx1+f(x) (the limit of f(x) as x approaches 1 from the right)
2. limx1f(x) (the limit of f(x) as x approaches 1 from the left)
3. f(1) (the value of the function at x=1)

Step 1: Calculate limx1+f(x)

For x1+ (approaching from the right), x is greater than 1. Therefore, we can simplify |x1| as follows:

|x-1| = x-1 \quad \text{(since x-1 > 0 )}


f(x) = \frac{x-1}{x-1} = 1 \quad \text{for x \neq 1 }



Step 2: Calculate limx1f(x)

For x1 (approaching from the left), x is less than 1. Therefore, we can simplify |x1| as follows:

|x-1| = -(x-1) = 1-x \quad \text{(since x-1 < 0 )}


f(x) = \frac{-(x-1)}{x-1} = -1 \quad \text{for x \neq 1 }



Step 3: Calculate f(1)

From the definition of the function, we have:


Step 4: Compare the values

Now we have:

- limx1+f(x)=1
- limx1f(x)=1
- f(1)=0

Since the left-hand limit, right-hand limit, and the function value at x=1 are not equal, we conclude that:

f(x) is not continuous at x=1.


The function f(x) is not continuous at x=1 because the limits from the left and right do not match, and they also do not equal the function value at that point.

