Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Find the cube of 527.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the cube of 527, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction
First, we convert 527 into an improper fraction.


Step 2: Write the expression for the cube
Now, we need to find the cube of 377:


Step 3: Apply the cube to the fraction
Using the property of exponents, we can cube the numerator and the denominator separately:


Step 4: Calculate 373 and 73
Now we calculate 373 and 73:

1. Calculate 373:

2. Calculate 73:

Step 5: Combine the results
Now we can combine the results:


Step 6: Simplify if necessary
To express this as a mixed number, we divide 50653 by 343:


Thus, the cube of 527 is approximately 147.67.

Final Answer
The cube of 527 is 50653343 or approximately 147.67.

