Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Find the cube root of 343.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the cube root of 343, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the number
We start with the number 343.

Step 2: Factorize the number
We need to find the prime factors of 343. The smallest prime factor of 343 is 7.

Step 3: Divide by the smallest factor
When we divide 343 by 7, we get:

Step 4: Factor 49
Next, we need to factor 49. The smallest prime factor of 49 is also 7.
When we divide 49 by 7, we get:

Step 5: Factor the last 7
Now we have another 7, so we divide again:

Step 6: Write the prime factorization
Now we can write the complete factorization of 343:

Step 7: Group the factors
Since we have three 7s, we can group them together:

Step 8: Take the cube root
Now we can take the cube root of 343. The cube root of 73 is simply 7:

Final Answer
Thus, the cube root of 343 is:
Cube root of 343=7

