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Find the cube root of each of the following numbers : 13314096 (ii) 21979261 (iii) 40962197 (iv) 33752744

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To find the cube root of the given numbers, we will follow these steps for each part of the question.

(i) Find the cube root of 13314096

1. Factorize the numerator (1331):
- 1331=11×11×11=113

2. Factorize the denominator (4096):
- 4096=16×16×16=163

3. Combine the results:
- 13314096=113163

4. Apply the cube root:
- (3)113163=1116

Final Answer: The cube root of 13314096 is 1116.


(ii) Find the cube root of 21979261

1. Factorize the numerator (-2197):
- 2197=(13×13×13)=133

2. Factorize the denominator (9261):
- 9261=21×21×21=213

3. Combine the results:
- 21979261=133213

4. Apply the cube root:
- (3)133213=1321

Final Answer: The cube root of 21979261 is 1321.


(iii) Find the cube root of 40962197

1. Factorize the numerator (4096):
- 4096=16×16×16=163

2. Factorize the denominator (-2197):
- 2197=(13×13×13)=133

3. Combine the results:
- 40962197=163133

4. Apply the cube root:
- (3)163133=1613=1613

Final Answer: The cube root of 40962197 is 1613.


(iv) Find the cube root of 33752744

1. Factorize the numerator (-3375):
- 3375=(15×15×15)=153

2. Factorize the denominator (-2744):
- 2744=(14×14×14)=143

3. Combine the results:
- 33752744=153143

4. Apply the cube root:
- (3)153143=1514

Final Answer: The cube root of 33752744 is 1514.

