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Find the GCD of 25, 45 and 75.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of the numbers 25, 45, and 75, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the prime factorization of each number.

1. Prime factorization of 25:
- 25 can be expressed as 5×5 or 52.

2. Prime factorization of 45:
- 45 can be expressed as 5×9 or 5×3×3 or 5×32.

3. Prime factorization of 75:
- 75 can be expressed as 5×15 or 5×5×3 or 52×3.

Step 2: Write down the prime factorizations.
- 25 = 52
- 45 = 51×32
- 75 = 52×31

Step 3: Identify the common prime factors.
- The common prime factor among the three numbers is 5.

Step 4: Determine the lowest power of the common prime factor.
- The lowest power of 5 in the factorizations is 51.

Step 5: Calculate the GCD.
- Therefore, the GCD of 25, 45, and 75 is 51=5.

Final Answer:
The GCD of 25, 45, and 75 is 5.

