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Find the GCD of the 459, 357, 306.

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To find the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of the numbers 459, 357, and 306, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Factorize each number

Factorization of 459:
- 459 is odd, so it cannot be divided by 2.
- Divide by 3: 459÷3=153
- Divide 153 by 3: 153÷3=51
- Divide 51 by 3: 51÷3=17
- 17 is a prime number.

So, the prime factorization of 459 is:

Factorization of 357:
- 357 is odd, so it cannot be divided by 2.
- Divide by 3: 357÷3=119
- 119 can be divided by 7: 119÷7=17
- 17 is a prime number.

So, the prime factorization of 357 is:

Factorization of 306:
- 306 is even, so divide by 2: 306÷2=153
- Divide 153 by 3: 153÷3=51
- Divide 51 by 3: 51÷3=17
- 17 is a prime number.

So, the prime factorization of 306 is:

Step 2: Identify common factors

Now, we look for the common factors in the factorizations:
- From 459: 33×171
- From 357: 31×71×171
- From 306: 21×32×171

The common factors are:
- For 3: The minimum power is 31 (from 357).
- For 17: The minimum power is 171 (common in all).

Step 3: Calculate the GCD

The GCD is found by multiplying the common factors:

Final Answer:
The GCD of 459, 357, and 306 is 51.

