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Find the intervals in which f(x) is increasing or decreasing:
(1). f(x)=x|x|,xR
(2). f(x)=sinx+|sinx|,0<x2π

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To find the intervals in which the functions f(x) are increasing or decreasing, we will analyze each case step by step.

Case 1: f(x)=x|x|

1. Define the function based on the sign of x:
- For x0: f(x)=x2
- For x<0: f(x)=x2

2. Differentiate f(x):
- For x0:
- For x<0:

3. Analyze the derivative:
- For x0: f(x)=2x
- This is greater than or equal to 0, hence f(x) is increasing for x0.
- For x<0: f(x)=2x
- Since x<0, 2x>0, hence f(x) is also increasing for x<0.

4. Conclusion for Case 1:
- f(x) is increasing for all xR.

Case 2: f(x)=sinx+|sinx| for 0<x2π

1. Define the function based on the sign of sinx:
- For 0<x<π: f(x)=sinx+sinx=2sinx
- For π<x<2π: f(x)=sinxsinx=0

2. Differentiate f(x):
- For 0<x<π:
- For π<x<2π:

3. Analyze the derivative:
- For 0<x<π:
- f(x)=2cosx
- cosx is positive in the interval (0,π2) and becomes 0 at x=π2 and negative in (π2,π).
- Therefore, f(x) is increasing in (0,π2) and decreasing in (π2,π).
- For π<x<2π:
- f(x)=0, hence f(x) is constant in this interval.

4. Conclusion for Case 2:
- f(x) is increasing in (0,π2), decreasing in (π2,π), and constant in (π,2π).

Final Summary:
1. For f(x)=x|x|:
- Increasing on (,).

2. For f(x)=sinx+|sinx|:
- Increasing on (0,π2).
- Decreasing on (π2,π).
- Constant on (π,2π).
