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Find the largest number which divides 245 and 1029 leaving remainder 5 in each case.

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To find the largest number that divides both 245 and 1029 leaving a remainder of 5, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Subtract the remainder from both numbers
Since we want to find a number that leaves a remainder of 5, we first subtract 5 from both 245 and 1029.


Step 2: Find the HCF of the two resulting numbers
Next, we need to find the highest common factor (HCF) of 240 and 1024. We can use the prime factorization method or the Euclidean algorithm.

Prime Factorization of 240:
1. Divide by 2: 240÷2=120
2. Divide by 2: 120÷2=60
3. Divide by 2: 60÷2=30
4. Divide by 2: 30÷2=15
5. Divide by 3: 15÷3=5
6. Divide by 5: 5÷5=1

So, the prime factorization of 240 is:

Prime Factorization of 1024:
1. Divide by 2: 1024÷2=512
2. Divide by 2: 512÷2=256
3. Divide by 2: 256÷2=128
4. Divide by 2: 128÷2=64
5. Divide by 2: 64÷2=32
6. Divide by 2: 32÷2=16
7. Divide by 2: 16÷2=8
8. Divide by 2: 8÷2=4
9. Divide by 2: 4÷2=2
10. Divide by 2: 2÷2=1

So, the prime factorization of 1024 is:

Step 3: Find the common factors
Now we identify the common factors from the prime factorizations:
- The common prime factor is 2.
- The lowest power of 2 in both factorizations is 24.

Step 4: Calculate the HCF
Thus, the HCF of 240 and 1024 is:

Step 5: Conclusion
The largest number that divides both 245 and 1029 leaving a remainder of 5 is:
Largest number=HCF+remainder=16+5=16

The largest number that divides both 245 and 1029 leaving a remainder of 5 is 16.

