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Find the number of natural numbers between 101 and 999 which are divisible by both 2 and 5.

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To find the number of natural numbers between 101 and 999 that are divisible by both 2 and 5, we can simplify the problem by recognizing that any number divisible by both 2 and 5 is also divisible by 10. Therefore, we need to find the natural numbers between 101 and 999 that are divisible by 10.

1. Identify the range: We need to find natural numbers between 101 and 999.

2. Find the smallest number greater than 101 that is divisible by 10:
- The smallest number greater than 101 that is divisible by 10 is 110.

3. Find the largest number less than 999 that is divisible by 10:
- The largest number less than 999 that is divisible by 10 is 990.

4. List the sequence of numbers divisible by 10:
- The numbers divisible by 10 between 110 and 990 form an arithmetic progression (AP) where:
- First term (a) = 110
- Common difference (d) = 10
- Last term (l) = 990

5. Use the formula for the nth term of an AP:
- The nth term of an AP can be expressed as:
- Setting an=990, we have:

6. Solve for n:
- Rearranging the equation:

7. Conclusion:
- There are 89 natural numbers between 101 and 999 that are divisible by both 2 and 5.
