Find the square root of the following numbers by long division method :54756
To find the square root of 54756 using the long division method, follow these steps:
Step 1: Pair the digits
Start from the right and pair the digits of the number. For 54756, we can pair them as follows:
- (54)(75)(56)
Step 2: Find the largest square
Now, look at the first pair (54). The largest square less than or equal to 54 is 49 (which is 72).
- Write 7 above the line (the quotient).
- Write 49 below 54 and subtract it.
54 - 49 = 5
Step 3: Bring down the next pair
Next, bring down the next pair (75) next to the remainder (5), making it 575.
- Now, double the quotient (7) to get 14, and write it down.
Step 4: Find the next digit
We need to find a digit x such that (140+x)×x is less than or equal to 575.
- Testing x=4:
- (140+4)×4=144×4=576 (too high)
- Testing x=3:
- (140+3)×3=143×3=429 (valid)
So, we write 3 above the line next to 7, making it 73.
Step 5: Subtract and bring down the next pair
Now, subtract 429 from 575:
575 - 429 = 146
Then bring down the next pair (56) to make it 14656.
Step 6: Repeat the process
Double the current quotient (73) to get 146. Now, we need to find a digit y such that (1460+y)×y is less than or equal to 14656.
- Testing y=9:
- (1460+9)×9=1469×9=13221 (valid)
- Testing y=10:
- (1460+10)×10=1470×10=14700 (too high)
So, we write 9 above the line next to 73, making it 739.
Step 7: Final subtraction
Now, subtract 13221 from 14656:
14656 - 13221 = 1435
Since we have no more pairs to bring down, we can stop here. The quotient we have found is 234.
Thus, the square root of 54756 is 234.
Start from the right and pair the digits of the number. For 54756, we can pair them as follows:
- (54)(75)(56)
Now, look at the first pair (54). The largest square less than or equal to 54 is 49 (which is 72).
- Write 7 above the line (the quotient).
- Write 49 below 54 and subtract it.
54 - 49 = 5
Next, bring down the next pair (75) next to the remainder (5), making it 575.
- Now, double the quotient (7) to get 14, and write it down.
We need to find a digit x such that (140+x)×x is less than or equal to 575.
- Testing x=4:
- (140+4)×4=144×4=576 (too high)
- Testing x=3:
- (140+3)×3=143×3=429 (valid)
Now, subtract 429 from 575:
575 - 429 = 146
Double the current quotient (73) to get 146. Now, we need to find a digit y such that (1460+y)×y is less than or equal to 14656.
- Testing y=9:
- (1460+9)×9=1469×9=13221 (valid)
- Testing y=10:
- (1460+10)×10=1470×10=14700 (too high)
Now, subtract 13221 from 14656:
14656 - 13221 = 1435
Thus, the square root of 54756 is 234.
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