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Findthe coefficient of x2(x+1x)10.(1x+2x2)

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To find the coefficient of x2 in the expression (x+1x)10(1x+2x2), we can break the problem down into two parts: finding the coefficient of x2 in (x+1x)10 and then combining it with the polynomial (1x+2x2).

Step 1: Expand (x+1x)10

Using the Binomial Theorem, we can expand (x+1x)10:

Step 2: Identify the terms contributing to x2

We need to find 102k=2:

Now, we can find the coefficient for k=4:

Step 3: Expand (1x+2x2)

Next, we consider the polynomial (1x+2x2). The relevant terms are:
- The constant term 1 contributes to x2 from 210 (from (x+1x)10).
- The term x contributes to x2 when multiplied by the x3 term from (x+1x)10.
- The term 2x2 contributes directly to x2.

Step 4: Find the coefficient of x3 in (x+1x)10

For x3:
102k=3103=2k2k=7k=3.5 (not an integer, so no contribution)

Step 5: Combine the contributions

Thus, the only contribution to x2 comes from:
- The constant term 1 from (1x+2x2) gives 210.
- The term 2x2 gives 2210=420.

Final Calculation

The total coefficient of x2 is:


The coefficient of x2 in the expression (x+1x)10(1x+2x2) is 630.
