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How many ways the letters of the word "RUBBER" can be arranged ?

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To find the number of ways to arrange the letters of the word "RUBBER", we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the letters and their frequencies
The word "RUBBER" consists of the following letters:
- R: 2 times
- U: 1 time
- B: 2 times
- E: 1 time

Step 2: Count the total number of letters
The total number of letters in "RUBBER" is 6.

Step 3: Use the formula for arrangements of letters with repetitions
The formula to find the number of distinct arrangements of letters when there are repetitions is given by:

Number of arrangements=N!P1!×P2!××Pk!

- N is the total number of letters,
- P1,P2,,Pk are the frequencies of the repeated letters.

Step 4: Substitute the values into the formula
Here, we have:
- N=6 (total letters)
- PR=2 (for R)
- PB=2 (for B)
- PU=1 (for U)
- PE=1 (for E)

Now, substituting these values into the formula:

Number of arrangements=6!2!×2!×1!×1!

Step 5: Calculate the factorials
Now we calculate the factorials:
- 6!=720
- 2!=2
- 1!=1

Step 6: Substitute the factorial values
Now substituting these values back into the equation:

Number of arrangements=7202×2×1×1=7204=180

Thus, the total number of distinct arrangements of the letters in the word "RUBBER" is 180.

