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If f(x)=x3+ax2+bx+5sin2x is a strictly increasing function on the set of real numbers then a and b must satisfy the relation:

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To determine the conditions under which the function f(x)=x3+ax2+bx+5sin2x is strictly increasing on the set of real numbers, we need to analyze its derivative.

Step 1: Find the derivative of f(x)
The first step is to differentiate f(x) with respect to x:


Using the power rule and the chain rule, we get:


We can simplify 52sinxcosx using the double angle identity:


Step 2: Set the condition for strict increase
For f(x) to be strictly increasing, f(x) must be greater than 0 for all xR:


Step 3: Analyze the sine term
The term sin(2x) oscillates between -1 and 1. Therefore, the minimum value of 5sin(2x) is -5. To ensure that f(x) is always positive, we consider the worst-case scenario where sin(2x)=1:


Step 4: Formulate the quadratic inequality
This leads us to the quadratic inequality:


Step 5: Conditions for the quadratic to be positive
For this quadratic to be positive for all x, two conditions must be satisfied:

1. The coefficient of x2 must be positive, which it is since 3>0.
2. The discriminant must be negative:


Step 6: Simplify the discriminant condition
Calculating the discriminant:


This simplifies to:


Dividing the entire inequality by 4 (which is positive):


Thus, the relation that a and b must satisfy for f(x) to be a strictly increasing function on the set of real numbers is:

