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In how many ways can the letters of the word 'CIVILIZATION' be rearranged?

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the number of ways the letters of the word "CIVILIZATION" can be rearranged, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Count the total number of letters
The word "CIVILIZATION" consists of 12 letters.

Step 2: Identify the repeating letters
In the word "CIVILIZATION", we have:
- C: 1 time
- I: 4 times
- V: 1 time
- L: 1 time
- Z: 1 time
- A: 1 time
- T: 1 time
- O: 1 time
- N: 1 time

Step 3: Use the formula for permutations of multiset
The formula for the number of arrangements of letters in a word where some letters are repeated is given by:

Number of arrangements=n!p1!×p2!××pk!

- n is the total number of letters,
- p1,p2,,pk are the frequencies of the repeating letters.

In our case:
- n=12 (total letters)
- The only letter that repeats is I, which appears 4 times.

Step 4: Calculate the factorials
Now we can substitute the values into the formula:

Number of arrangements=12!4!

Step 5: Compute the factorial values
Calculating 12! and 4!:
- 12!=479001600
- 4!=24

Step 6: Divide to find the number of arrangements
Now, we can compute the number of arrangements:

Number of arrangements=47900160024=19958400

Final Answer
Thus, the letters of the word "CIVILIZATION" can be rearranged in 19,958,400 different ways.


Updated on:7/8/2024

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