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Let n be a non - negative integer . Then the number of divisors of the form 4 n + 1 of the number ( 10 ) 10 ( 11 ) 11 ( 13 ) 13 is equal to _____

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The correct Answer is:924

To find the number of divisors of the form 4n+1 for the number 101011111313, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Factor the number
First, we rewrite 1010 in terms of its prime factors:
Thus, we can express the entire number as:

Step 2: Identify the odd factors
Since we are interested in divisors of the form 4n+1, we need to consider only the odd factors. Therefore, we can ignore 210 and focus on:

Step 3: Determine the form of the primes
Next, we need to identify which of the bases 5, 11, and 13 are congruent to 1mod4:
- 51mod4
- 113mod4
- 131mod4

Thus, the bases 5 and 13 contribute to the divisors of the form 4n+1, while 11 does not.

Step 4: Use the formula for counting divisors
The general formula for the number of divisors of a number of the form pe11pe22pekk is given by:
For the divisors of the form 4n+1, we consider only the primes 5 and 13:
- For 510: e1=10
- For 1313: e2=13

Thus, the number of divisors of the form 4n+1 is:

Step 5: Count the combinations
Since 5 contributes 1 to the count and 13 contributes 1 to the count, we multiply by 2 (for the presence or absence of each prime):

Final Answer
The number of divisors of the form 4n+1 of the number 101011111313 is:

Updated on:7/8/2024

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