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Draw a labelled diagram of molecular structure of human foetus in the uterus

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understand the Components: Before drawing, familiarize yourself with the key components of the human fetus and the uterus. The main parts include the fetus itself, the amniotic sac, the placenta, and the umbilical cord.

2. Draw the Uterus: Start by sketching the outline of the uterus. It is a pear-shaped organ that has a thick muscular wall. Make sure to represent the cavity of the uterus where the fetus will develop.

3. Sketch the Fetus: Inside the uterus, draw the shape of the fetus. The fetus can be represented in a curled position, as it typically is in the later stages of pregnancy. Ensure to include the head, limbs, and torso.

4. Add the Amniotic Sac: Surround the fetus with the amniotic sac, which is a thin membrane filled with amniotic fluid. This sac provides cushioning to the fetus.

5. Draw the Placenta: On one side of the uterus, draw the placenta. It is usually disc-shaped and attached to the uterine wall. The placenta is crucial for nutrient and gas exchange between the mother and fetus.

6. Include the Umbilical Cord: From the fetus, draw the umbilical cord extending to the placenta. The umbilical cord contains blood vessels that transport nutrients and oxygen from the placenta to the fetus and waste products from the fetus back to the placenta.

7. Label the Diagram: Clearly label each part of your diagram: Uterus, Fetus, Amniotic Sac, Placenta, and Umbilical Cord. Use straight lines to connect the labels to their respective components.

8. Review and Finalize: Check your diagram for accuracy and completeness. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure that all components are clearly represented and labeled.
