PERMUTATIONS शब्द के अक्षरों को कितने तरीकों से व्यवस्थित किया जा सकता है, यदि
(i) चयनित शब्द का प्रारंभ P से तथा अंत S से होता है ।
(ii) चयनित शब्द में सभी स्वर एक साथ हैं ?
(iii) चयनित शब्द में P तथा S के मध्य सदैव 4 अक्षर हों ?

Text Solution
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We have letters P,E,R,M,U,(T,T),A,I,O,N,S.
Now between P and S there are four letters. We have following three cases.
Case I : Two of the four letters between P and S are TT.
In this case remaining two letters can be selected in .8C2 ways. Suppose these letters are E and R.
So, we have to arrange (P, E, R, T, T,S), M,U,A,I,O,N.
Number of arrangements in this case is
Case II : Four letters between P and S are distinct of which one letter is T.
In this case remaining three letters can be selected in .8C3 ways. Suppose these letters are E, R, M.
So, we have to arrange (P,E, R, M, T, S), U, T, A, I, O, N.
Number of arrangements in this case is
Case III : Four letters between P and S are distinct other than T. In this case remaining four letters can be selected in .8C4 ways.
Suppose these letters are E, R, M, U
So, we have to arrange (P, E, R, M, U, S),t, A, T, I, O, N
Number of arrnagements in this case is
Hence, from all above cases, total number of ways are

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