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Show that 0.001728 is the cube of a rational number.

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To show that 0.001728 is the cube of a rational number, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the number in fractional form
We start with the number 0.001728. We can express this as a fraction:

Step 2: Factor both the numerator and the denominator
Next, we need to factor the numerator (1728) and the denominator (1000000).

1. Factorizing 1728:
- We can find that 1728=12×12×12=123.

2. Factorizing 1000000:
- We can express 1000000 as 106 or 1003 since 100=102.

Step 3: Rewrite the fraction using the factored forms
Now we can rewrite the fraction:

Step 4: Simplify the fraction
Using the property of fractions, we can simplify this:

Step 5: Identify the rational number
The expression 12100 can be simplified further:
This is a rational number.

Step 6: Conclusion
Thus, we can conclude that:
Therefore, 0.001728 is indeed the cube of the rational number 325.
