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Show that 21642875 is the cube of a rational number. Also find the rational number.

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To show that 21642875 is the cube of a rational number and to find that rational number, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Prime Factorization of the Numerator
We start with the numerator, which is 216.
- First, we factor 216:
- 216=2×108
- 108=2×54
- 54=2×27
- 27=3×9
- 9=3×3

So, the prime factorization of 216 is:
Thus, 216 can be expressed as:

Step 2: Prime Factorization of the Denominator
Next, we factor the denominator, which is 42875.
- We start by dividing by 5:
- 42875÷5=8575
- 8575÷5=1715
- 1715÷5=343
- Now, we factor 343:
- 343=7×49
- 49=7×7

So, the prime factorization of 42875 is:

Step 3: Combining the Results
Now we can rewrite the fraction:

Step 4: Expressing as a Cube
We can express the fraction as:

Step 5: Final Result
Thus, we have:

This shows that 21642875 is indeed the cube of the rational number 635.

The rational number is:
