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Solve the equation |z|=z+1+2t

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The given equation is |z|=z+1+2i ...(i)
Let z=x+iy
From Eq. (i). |x + iy| = x + iy + 1 + 2i<br>rArr sqrt(x^(2)+Y^(2) = x + iy + 1 + 2i)" " [:. |z| + sqrt (x^(2)+Y^(2))]<br>rArr sqrt(x^(2)+Y^(2)) = (x + 1) + i (y + 2)<br>Onsquarghss,wet<br>x^(2) + y^(2) = (x+ 1)^(2) + i^(2) (y +2)^(2) + 2i(x + 1)(y +2)<br>rArr x^(2) + y^(2) = x^(2) +2x + 1- y ^(2) - 4y -4 + 2i(x + 1)(y +2)<br>Oncompargrealandimagaryparts,<br>x^(2) + y^(2) = x^(2) +2x + 1- y ^(2) - 4y -4<br>i.e.,2y^(2) = 2x - 4y - 3....(ii)<br>and2(x + 1)(y + 2) 0<br>(x + 1) = 0 or (y + 2) = 0<br>rArr x = - 1 or y = - 2<br>For x = - 1<br>wet,2y^(2) = -2- 4 y 3<br>2y^(2) = + 4 + 5 = 0 [using Eq. (ii)]<br>rArr y = (- 4pmsqrt(16 - 2 xx 4 xx 5))/(4)<br>rArr y = (- 4pm(sqrt(-24)))/(4)notinR<br>Now,fory=2,<br>Then,2(-2)^(2) = 2x - 4 (-2) -3 [using Eq. (ii)]<br>8 = 2x + 8 - 3<br>2x = 3 rArr x = 3//2<br>z = x + iy = 3/2 - 2i
