Use Euclid’s division algorithm to find the HCF of 4052 and 12576.
To find the HCF (Highest Common Factor) of 4052 and 12576 using Euclid’s division algorithm, we will follow these steps:
Step 1: Identify the larger and smaller numbers
We have two numbers: 4052 and 12576. The larger number is 12576 and the smaller number is 4052.
Step 2: Apply Euclid's Division Algorithm
We will divide the larger number by the smaller number and find the remainder.
Calculating this gives:
- 12576 = 4052 × 3 + 720
- Remainder = 720
Step 3: Replace the larger number with the smaller number and the smaller number with the remainder
Now we will take 4052 and 720 and apply the division again.
Calculating this gives:
- 4052 = 720 × 5 + 652
- Remainder = 652
Step 4: Repeat the process
Now we will take 720 and 652 and apply the division again.
Calculating this gives:
- 720 = 652 × 1 + 68
- Remainder = 68
Step 5: Continue until the remainder is 0
Now we will take 652 and 68 and apply the division again.
Calculating this gives:
- 652 = 68 × 9 + 40
- Remainder = 40
Now we will take 68 and 40.
Calculating this gives:
- 68 = 40 × 1 + 28
- Remainder = 28
Now we will take 40 and 28.
Calculating this gives:
- 40 = 28 × 1 + 12
- Remainder = 12
Now we will take 28 and 12.
Calculating this gives:
- 28 = 12 × 2 + 4
- Remainder = 4
Now we will take 12 and 4.
Calculating this gives:
- 12 = 4 × 3 + 0
- Remainder = 0
Step 6: Conclusion
Since the remainder is now 0, the last non-zero remainder is the HCF. Therefore, the HCF of 4052 and 12576 is 4.
We have two numbers: 4052 and 12576. The larger number is 12576 and the smaller number is 4052.
We will divide the larger number by the smaller number and find the remainder.
Calculating this gives:
- Remainder = 720
Now we will take 4052 and 720 and apply the division again.
Calculating this gives:
- Remainder = 652
Now we will take 720 and 652 and apply the division again.
Calculating this gives:
- Remainder = 68
Now we will take 652 and 68 and apply the division again.
Calculating this gives:
- Remainder = 40
Calculating this gives:
- Remainder = 28
Calculating this gives:
- Remainder = 12
Calculating this gives:
- Remainder = 4
Calculating this gives:
- Remainder = 0
Since the remainder is now 0, the last non-zero remainder is the HCF. Therefore, the HCF of 4052 and 12576 is 4.
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