What is Median ? How do we calculate it ?

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Definition of Median

The median is a statistical method for finding the 'average' of a set of data. Typically, the median means the middle number or central value. In statistics, the median is a way to find the average of a group of numbers.

What is the Median of a set?

The median of a set of information is the middle or centre most number in the set. The median is likewise the number that is in the centre of the way into the set. To locate the median value, the information should first be arranged altogether in increasing order from the lowest number to the highest.

 The three most common 'averages' in the study of statistics are:

  • The mean is what commonly thought of as the ‘average’ of a group of data points. It is determined by the algebraic sum of all the numbers of the set and dividing by the number of terms.
  • The median is the middle number or central value in a group of numbers when arranged in increasing order, the smallest to the largest number.
  • The mode is the particular number that occurs most often or most times in a set of numbers.

How to determine the Median?

 Two scenarios come across when determining the median:

  • Case of an odd number of data points: In order to find the median for an odd number of data points, first organize the numbers in increasing order from lowest to highest and then count the numbers. The median number will be the middle number, with the same amount of numbers on either side of it.
  • Case of even number of data points: In order to find the median for an even number of data points, there will be an issue of no exact middle number in the group of numbers. In such case, first, organize the numbers in increasing order, then take the two middle numbers given, add them together, and divide them by two, just like we do for the mean. It will provide with the median number.
  • If the set of numbers has ‘n’ terms (n is an odd number), the median value will be the (n+1)/2 term.
  • In the event, if the group of numbers consists of even number of terms, the median number will be the average of nth and (n+1)th term.

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Solved Examples to Find Median Value

Q 1. Find the median of the set = { 2,4,6,3,35,18,12 }


First step to find median is to arrange the set of numbers in increasing order.

The sorted set of numbers in ascending order = {2,3,4,6,12,18,35}.  The set of numbers contains 7 numbers, it means an odd set of numbers.

Thus, the central value, which would be the 4th term of the list, will be the median value. Hence the median is 6.

Q2. Find the median of the set = {12,17,30,42,76,81 }


The list of numbers is already in increasing order, and the set of numbers contains 6 numbers, it implies even set of numbers.

Thus, the mean average of the two middle terms, i.e., third and fourth term will be the median value.

Median = (30+42)/2 = 72/2 = 36.

Q 3. The Gupta family drove through 9 states on their summer vacation. Petrol prices varied from state to state. What is the median petrol price?

Rs. 70.79,  Rs. 70.11,  Rs. 71.96,  Rs. 70.09,  Rs. 71.84,  Rs. 70.75,  Rs. 72.12,  Rs. 71.02,  Rs. 70.85


Arranging the data from smallest to largest, we obtain:

Rs. 70.09,  Rs. 70.11,  Rs. 70.75,  Rs. 70.79,  Rs. 70.85,  Rs. 71.02,  Rs. 71.84,  Rs. 71.96,  Rs. 72.12

Now, the number of terms is 9 (odd number of terms).

Thus, the median value will be the 5th term, which is Rs. 70.85. (There were 4 states with higher petrol prices and 4 with lower petrol prices.)

Q 4.  In an English exam, the students’ scores were 90, 92, 93, 88, 95, 86, 96, 87, and 98. What was the median English score of the class?


Arranging the data from smallest to largest, we obtain:

86,  87,  88,  90,  92,  93,  95,  96,  98

The median English score is 92. (Four English scores were higher than 92, and four were lower.)

Q 5. Four participants completed a 100 m race. What was the median race time?

9.7 min,  9.3 min,  9.5 min,  9.1 min


Arranging the data from smallest to largest, we obtain:

9.1,  9.3,  9.5,  9.7

Since there is an even number of terms in the set of numbers, we compute the median value by taking the average of the two middlemost numbers.

9.3 + 9.5 = 18.8

Avg Value = 18.8 /2 = 9.4

Thus, the median race time was 9.4 min.

Q 6. The salaries of 6 employees who work for a small firm are given below. What is the median salary?

Rs. 40,000, Rs. 29,000,  Rs. 31,000, Rs. 30,000, Rs. 27,000, Rs. 32,000


Arranging the data from smallest to largest, we obtain:

Rs. 27,000,  Rs. 29,000,  Rs. 30,000,  Rs. 31,000,  Rs. 32,000,  Rs. 40,000

Since there is an even number of numbers in the group of numbers, we find the median by calculating the average or mean of the two central values.

Rs. 30,000 + Rs. 31,000 = Rs. 61,000


Thus, the median salary is Rs. 30,500.

Q 7. The Sharma family has 5 children, aged 9, 12, 7, 17 and 11. What is the median age of the children?


Arranging the data from smallest to largest, we obtain:

7,  9,  11,  12,  17

Thus, the median age of the children is the middlemost number in the data points, which is 11.


The median of a group of data points is the central value in the group. The median is also the number that is middlemost in the set. To find the median, the data should be arranged in ascending order, i.e., from lowest to highest. If there is an even item of numbers in the data set, then the median is determined by calculating the mean (average) of the two middlemost numbers.

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