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What is the smallest number that, when divided by 35,56 and 91 leaves remainder of 7.

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To find the smallest number that, when divided by 35, 56, and 91, leaves a remainder of 7, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Problem
We need to find a number x such that:
- xmod35=7
- xmod56=7
- xmod91=7

This means that x7 should be divisible by 35, 56, and 91.

Step 2: Set Up the Equation
Let y=x7. Then, we need to find the smallest y such that:
- ymod35=0
- ymod56=0
- ymod91=0

This implies that y is a common multiple of 35, 56, and 91.

Step 3: Calculate the LCM
To find y, we will calculate the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 35, 56, and 91.

Prime Factorization:
- 35: 5×7
- 56: 23×7
- 91: 7×13

LCM Calculation:
The LCM is found by taking the highest power of each prime factor:
- For 2: 23
- For 5: 51
- For 7: 71
- For 13: 131

Thus, we have:

Calculating this step-by-step:
1. 23=8
2. 8×5=40
3. 40×7=280
4. 280×13=3640

So, the LCM of 35, 56, and 91 is 3640.

Step 4: Find x
Now, since y=3640, we substitute back to find x:

Final Answer
The smallest number that, when divided by 35, 56, and 91, leaves a remainder of 7 is 3647.

