Without actually performing the long division, state whether the following rational numbers will have a terminating decimal expansion or a non-terminating repeating decimal expansion:(i) 133125 (ii) 178 (iii) 64455 (iv) 151600 (v) 29343
(vi) 23235^2 (vii) 129225^775 (viii) 615 (ix) 3550 (x) 77210

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Terminating and non terminating decimal can be represented in the factors of 2and5
If denominator has only factor 2and5, it has terminating expansion.
If factors are other than 2and5, then it is non terminating expansion.
(i) 133125
Factorizing the denominator,
Since, only 5 is the factor, it has terminating decimal expansion.
(ii) 178
Factorizing the denominator,
Since, only 2 is the factor, it has terminating decimal expansion.
(iii) 64455
Factorizing the denominator,
Since, other factor are there, it has non terminating decimal expansion.
(iv) 151600
Factorizing the denominator,
Since, 2and5 are the factor, it has terminating decimal expansion.
(v) 29343
Factorizing the denominator,
Since, other factor are present, it has non terminating decimal expansion.
(vi) 2323(52)
Factorizing the denominator,
Since, only 2and5 are the factor, it has terminating decimal expansion.
(vii) 12922(57)(75)
Factorizing the denominator,
Since, other than 2and5 there are the factor, it has non terminating decimal expansion.
(viii) 615
Factorizing the denominator,
Since, other than 2and5 there are the factor, it has non terminating decimal expansion.
(vii) 3550
Factorizing the denominator,
Since, only 2and5 there are the factor, it has terminating decimal expansion.
(i×) 129225^775
Factorizing the denominator,
Since, other than 2and5 there are the factor, it has non terminating decimal expansion.
(×) 77210
Factorizing the denominator,
Since, other than 2and5 there are the factor, it has non terminating decimal expansion.


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