Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Write the number names of each of the following:

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

The correct Answer is:Five hundred thirty four million five hundred sixty seven thousand eight hundred ninety one.

To write the number name for 534,567,891, we can break it down into its components based on the place values. Here’s how to do it step by step:

Step 1: Break down the number into groups
The number 534,567,891 can be divided into three groups based on the international number system:
- 534 (Millions)
- 567 (Thousands)
- 891 (Units)

Step 2: Write the number name for each group
1. For 534:
- The number 534 is read as "Five hundred thirty-four".

2. For 567:
- The number 567 is read as "Five hundred sixty-seven".

3. For 891:
- The number 891 is read as "Eight hundred ninety-one".

Step 3: Combine the number names
Now, we combine the number names of each group:
- "Five hundred thirty-four million"
- "Five hundred sixty-seven thousand"
- "Eight hundred ninety-one"

Final Step: Write the complete number name
Putting it all together, we get:
Five hundred thirty-four million, five hundred sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred ninety-one.
