Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Write the value of ddx(log|x|).

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the derivative of log|x|, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Define the function
Let f(x)=log|x|.

Step 2: Consider the cases for x
Since the absolute value function |x| behaves differently based on the sign of x, we will consider two cases:
1. When x>0
2. When x<0

Step 3: Differentiate for x>0
For x>0:
The derivative of logx is:

Step 4: Differentiate for x<0
For x<0:
Here, we use the chain rule. The derivative of log(x) is:

Step 5: Combine the results
From both cases, we see that:
- For x>0, f(x)=1x
- For x<0, f(x)=1x

Thus, we can conclude that:
f(x)=1xfor x0

Final Answer
The value of ddx(log|x|) is:
1xfor x0

