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Complete Solutions to EXAMPLE of chapter EXCRETION-THE WASTAGE DISPOSING SYSTEM of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What are the wastes produced during metabolic activities ?

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  2. What are the substances present in them ?

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  3. Does the composition vary in the same organism in different situations?

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  4. What is meant by excretion?

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  5. What are the substances present in urine ?

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  6. How are waste products excreted in amoeba ?

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  7. How are waste products excreted in amoeba ?

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  8. What are the other excretory organs of human body ?

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  9. What are the other excretory organs of human body ?

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  10. Deepak said that 'Nephrons are functional and structural units of kidneys' . How will you support him?

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  11. How can you say that kidney is suitable for filtration of biological waste from blood in man ?

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  12. How do plants manage the waste materials?

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  13. Why do some people need to use a dialysis machine? Explain the principal involved

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  14. What is meant by osmoregulation? How is it maintained in human body?

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  15. Do you find any relationship between circulatory system and excretory system? What are they?

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  16. Give reasons.
    Always vasopressin is not secreted.

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  17. Give reasons.
    When urine is discharged, in beginning it is acidic in nature later it becomes alkaline.

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  18. Give reasons.
    Diameter of afferent arteriole is bigger than efferent arteriole.

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  19. Give reasons.
    Urine is slightly thicker in summer than in winter.

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  20. Write differences between,
    A. Functions of PCT and DCT

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  21. Write difference
    Kidney and artificial kidney

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  22. Write difference
    Excretion and secretion

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  23. Write difference
    Primary metabolites and secondary metabolites

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  24. There is a pair of bean-shaped organs 'P' in the human body towards the back, just above the waist. A waste product 'Q' formed by the decomposition of unused proteins in liver is brought into organ 'P' through blood by an artery 'R'. The numerous tiny. filters 'S' present in organ 'P' clean the dirty blood goes into circulation through a vein 'T'. The waste substance 'Q' other waste salts and excess water form a yellowish liquid 'U' which goes from organ 'P' into a bag like structure 'V' through two tubes 'W' and 'X'. This liquid is then thrown out of the body through a tube 'X'.
    What is (i) organ P and (ii) waste substance Q ?

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  25. There is a pair of bean-shaped organs 'P' in the human body towards the back, just above the waist. A waste product 'Q' formed by the decomposition of unused proteins in liver is brought into organ 'P' through blood by an artery 'R'. The numerous tiny. filters 'S' present in organ 'P' clean the dirty blood goes into circulation through a vein 'T'. The waste substance 'Q' other waste salts and excess water form a yellowish liquid 'U' which goes from organ 'P' into a bag like structure 'V' through two tubes 'W' and 'X'. This liquid is then thrown out of the body through a tube 'X'.
    What is (i) organ P and (ii) waste substance Q ?

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  26. There is a pair of bean-shaped organs 'P' in the human body towards the back, just above the waist. A waste product 'Q' formed by the decomposition of unused proteins in liver is brought into organ 'P' through blood by an artery 'R'. The numerous tiny. filters 'S' present in organ 'P' clean the dirty blood goes into circulation through a vein 'T'. The waste substance 'Q' other waste salts and excess water form a yellowish liquid 'U' which goes from organ 'P' into a bag like structure 'V' through two tubes 'W' and 'X'. This liquid is then thrown out of the body through a tube 'X'.
    What is (i) organ P and (ii) waste substance Q ?

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  27. There is a pair of bean-shaped organs 'P' in the human body towards the back, just above the waist. A waste product 'Q' formed by the decomposition of unused proteins in liver is brought into organ 'P' through blood by an artery 'R'. The numerous tiny. filters 'S' present in organ 'P' clean the dirty blood goes into circulation through a vein 'T'. The waste substance 'Q' other waste salts and excess water form a yellowish liquid 'U' which goes from organ 'P' into a bag like structure 'V' through two tubes 'W' and 'X'. This liquid is then thrown out of the body through a tube 'X'.
    What is (i) organ P and (ii) waste substance Q ?

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  28. There is a pair of bean-shaped organs 'P' in the human body towards the back, just above the waist. A waste product 'Q' formed by the decomposition of unused proteins in liver is brought into organ 'P' through blood by an artery 'R'. The numerous tiny. filters 'S' present in organ 'P' clean the dirty blood goes into circulation through a vein 'T'. The waste substance 'Q' other waste salts and excess water form a yellowish liquid 'U' which goes from organ 'P' into a bag like structure 'V' through two tubes 'W' and 'X'. This liquid is then thrown out of the body through a tube 'X'.
    What is (i) organ P and (ii) waste substance Q ?

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  29. The organ 'A' of a person has been damaged completely due to a poisonous waste material 'B' has started accumulation in his blood, making it dirty. In order to save this person's life, the blood from an artery in the person's arm is made to Dow into long tubes made of substance 'E' which are kept in coiled form in a tank containing solution 'F'. This solution contains three materials 'G', 'H' and 'I' and similar proportions to those in normal blood. As the person's blood passes through-long tubes of substance 'E', most of the wastes present in it go into solution 'F'. The clean blood is then put back into a vein in the person for circulation.
    What is organ A ?

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  30. The organ 'A' of a person has been damaged completely due to a poisonous waste material 'B' has started accumulation in his blood, making it dirty. In order to save this person's life, the blood from an artery in the person's arm is made to Dow into long tubes made of substance 'E' which are kept in coiled form in a tank containing solution 'F'. This solution contains three materials 'G', 'H' and 'I' and similar proportions to those in normal blood. As the person's blood passes through-long tubes of substance 'E', most of the wastes present in it go into solution 'F'. The clean blood is then put back into a vein in the person for circulation.
    Name the waste substance B.

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  31. The organ 'A' of a person has been damaged completely due to a poisonous waste material 'B' has started accumulation in his blood, making it dirty. In order to save this person's life, the blood from an artery in the person's arm is made to Dow into long tubes made of substance 'E' which are kept in coiled form in a tank containing solution 'F'. This solution contains three materials 'G', 'H' and 'I' and similar proportions to those in normal blood. As the person's blood passes through-long tubes of substance 'E', most of the wastes present in it go into solution 'F'. The clean blood is then put back into a vein in the person for circulation.
    What is organ A ?

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  32. The organ 'A' of a person has been damaged completely due to a poisonous waste material 'B' has started accumulation in his blood, making it dirty. In order to save this person's life, the blood from an artery in the person's arm is made to Dow into long tubes made of substance 'E' which are kept in coiled form in a tank containing solution 'F'. This solution contains three materials 'G', 'H' and 'I' and similar proportions to those in normal blood. As the person's blood passes through-long tubes of substance 'E', most of the wastes present in it go into solution 'F'. The clean blood is then put back into a vein in the person for circulation.
    What are G, Hand I?

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  33. The organ 'A' of a person has been damaged completely due to a poisonous waste material 'B' has started accumulation in his blood, making it dirty. In order to save this person's life, the blood from an artery in the person's arm is made to Dow into long tubes made of substance 'E' which are kept in coiled form in a tank containing solution 'F'. This solution contains three materials 'G', 'H' and 'I' and similar proportions to those in normal blood. As the person's blood passes through-long tubes of substance 'E', most of the wastes present in it go into solution 'F'. The clean blood is then put back into a vein in the person for circulation.
    What is the process described above known as ?

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  34. Imagine what happens if waste materials are not sent out of the body from time to time.

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  35. To keep your kidneys healthy for long period what questions will you ask a nephrologist/urologist?

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  36. What are the gum yielding trees in your surroundings ? What procedure should you follow to collect gum from trees?

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  37. Collect the information about respiratory rates in different ages in man.

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  38. Draw a neat labelled diagram of L.S of kindney.

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  39. Describe the structure of mitochondria with the help of a diagram.

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  40. Draw a block diagram showing the pathway of excretory system in human beings.

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  41. Name the process that occur at PCT region of nephron.

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  42. If you want to explain the process of filteration I kidney what diagram you need to draw.

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  43. List out the things that makes you amazing in excretory system of human being.

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  44. How do you appreciate the functioning of excretory system of human being ?

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  45. You read about 'Brain dead' in this chapter. What discussions would you like to have when you think so ?

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  46. We people have very less awareness about organ donation, to motivate people write slogans about donation.

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  47. After learning this chapter (Excretion - The wastage disposing system) what habits would you like to change or follow for proper functioning of kidneys ?

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  48. What products would the orgamsm be able to take up for other activities ?

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  49. What products would cause harm to the body, if they are not removed ?

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  50. What happens if harmful products are not removed from our body every day ?

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  51. What are the substances present in blood ?

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  52. What are the substances present in urine ?

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  53. What are the substances present in blood ?

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  54. Which substances are present above the normal limits both in the blood and urine ?

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  55. What do you think a reading above normal limits indicates ?

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  56. What are the materials needed to be removed from our body ?

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  57. From where are these materials removed ?

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  58. What are the organs that separate excretory materials ?

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  59. Why do you think the body must remove waste substances ?

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  60. Think why the diameter of the efferent arteriole is less than that of afferent arteriole.

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  61. Why the nephron is considered to be the structural and functional unit of the kidney ?

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  62. Which arteriole has more diameter, afferent or efferent ?

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  63. What are the substances that are filtered into the glomerular capsule ?

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  64. If you drink more water, will you pass more urine ?

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  65. What are the substances reabsorbed into the peritubular network from proximal convoluted tubule (PC1) ?

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  66. What are the substances that secrete into distal convoluted tubule (DCl)?

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  67. If you drink more water, will you pass more urine ?

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  68. What are the substances reabsorbed into the peritubular network from proximal convoluted tubule (PC1) ?

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  69. Why more urine is produced in winter ?

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  70. What happens if reabsorption of water does not take place ?

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  71. What happens if both kidneys fail completely ?

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  72. Is there any long term solution for kidney failure patients ?

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  73. Where is the transplanted kidney fixed in the body of a kidney failure patient ?

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  74. What about the failed kidneys ? (Or) Write about the failure of kidneys.

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  75. Can donor survive her life with single kidney without any complications ?

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  76. What are the other excretory organs of human body ?

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  77. Collect mformatton on sebum and prepare a news bulletin, display it on bulletin board.

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  78. People in cold countries get very less/no sweat. What changes occur in their skin and in other excretory organs ?

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  79. Do plants excrete like animals ?

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  80. How do plants manage or send out waste products from its body ?

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  81. Why do plants shed their leaves and bark periodically ?

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  82. Name the alkaloids which are harmful to us.

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  83. Do roots secrete ?

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  84. Do you think there is any relation between reduction in yielding and root secretions ?

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  85. Why do we get pecullar smell when you shift the potted plants.

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  86. Explain the external features of kidney in human beings.

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  87. Explain the external features of kidney in human beings.

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  88. Explain the external features of kidney in human beings.

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  89. Explain the external features of kidney in human beings.

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  90. What is the size of the kidney ?

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  91. Explain the external features of kidney in human beings.

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  92. Explain the external features of kidney in human beings.

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  93. Do cells need excretion ?

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  94. Why are we advised to take sufficient water ?

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  95. Why do some children pass urine during sleep at night until 15 or 16 years of age?

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  96. Why weeds and wild plants are not affected by insects and pests ?

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  97. Which is the most poisonous excretory material produced in metabolism of living organisms ?

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  98. Whaat is the meaning of 'Insulin' in Latin ?

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  99. What are the major parts in human excretory system ?

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  100. In which animals excretion takes place by diffusion?

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EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter EXCRETION-THE WASTAGE DISPOSING SYSTEM of BEYOND PUBLICATION of Class 10