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Complete Solutions to EXAMPLE of chapter REACTIVITY SERIES AND ELECTROCHEMISTRY of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which metal among magnesium, copper, gold, sodium and aluminium, loses its lus-tre at a faster rate?

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  2. List the above metals in the decreasing order of their reactivity with air and thereby losing luster.
    Magnesium, Sodium, Copper, Gold, Aluminum

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  3. What happens to the Zn rod when dipped in copper sulfate solution?

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  4. When `Zn` rod is dipped in `CuSO_4` solutions, `Zn` rod become blue. What is the reason for this?

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  5. What is the reason for the change in intensity of the colour of `CuSO_4` solution?

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  6. When `Zn` rod is dipped in `CuSO_4` solutions, intensity of colour of `CuSO_4` solution changes. Which is the metal that gets displaced here?

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  7. What is more reactive Zn or Cu?

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  8. On the basis of the position of Zn and Cu in the reactivity series, can you explain why Cu had been displaced?

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  9. On the basis of position of `Zn` and `Cu` in reactivity series, when When `Zn` rod is dipped in `CuSO_4` solutions, Cu had been displaced. Isn't it due to the higher reactivity of zinc (Zn) when compared to copper (Cu)?

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  10. When `Zn` rod is dipped in `CuSO_4` solutions, `Zn` rod become blue. Is this reaction oxidation or reduction? Why?

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  11. When `Zn` rod is dipped in `CuSO_4` solutions, `Zn` rod become blue. What is the name of this reaction? Why?

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  12. `2` `Ag^(+1) NO_3^((...))` + `Cu^0` `→` `Cu^((...))(NO_3)_2^(-1)` + `Ag^((...))`. Complete this chemical equation by assigning oxidation numbers.

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  13. Which metal is oxidized in this case? Which metal is reduced? `Zn(S) + Cu^(2+) → Zn^(2+) + Cu(S)`

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  14. Write equations showing oxidation and reduction.

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  15. Which electrode has the ability to donate electrons in a cell constructed using these metals? `Zn and Cu`

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  16. Which one can gain electrons?

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  17. Identify the chemical reaction that takes place at the Zn electrode in a Daniel cell. Tick `√` the right one.

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  18. Write the chemcial equation for the reac-tion taking place at the Cu electrode.

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  19. From the electrochemical series, Cu can displace Ag from silver nitrate solution
    Represent the cell constructed with silver and copper electrodes

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  20. Note down the reaction of Galvanic cell.

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  21. Direction of flow of electrons in a galvanic cell constructed using `Cu` and `Ag`.

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  22. Write the reactions taking place at cathode and anode in cell constructed using `Ag` and `Cu`

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  23. You have used threee metals Zn, Cu and Ag. How many cells can be produced using these?

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  24. Complete the Table 3.4 by writing anode and cathode in each. `Zn - Cu`, `Cu - Ag`, and `Zn - Ag`

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  25. What are the substances obtained when electricity is passed through acidified wa-ter?

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  26. What type of chemical changes happen when electricity is passed through brine solution?

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  27. To which electrodes are the positive ions attacted during electrolysis?

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  28. To which electrodes are the negative ions attracted?

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  29. What changes happen to the ions which are attracted to cathode?

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  30. What about the changes happening to the ions attracted to anode?

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  31. Which ion is attracted to the positive elec-trode (anode)?

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  32. What is the chemical reaction taking place in the flask. Name the gas involved

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  33. Which is the gas liberated at the anode during electrolysis of water?

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  34. Which is the ion attracted to the cathode during electrolysis of sodium chloride solution?

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  35. Which is the metal deposited at the cathode during electrolysis of aqueous `AgCl`?

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  36. The solutions of `ZnSO4`, FeSO4, CuSO4` and `AgNO3` are taken in four different test tubes. Suppose, an iron nail is kept immersed in each one: In which test tube the iron nail under goes a colour change?, What is the reaction taking place here?

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  37. The ions which are attracted to the negative electrode are called?

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  38. Which metal is connected to the negative terminal of the battery?

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  39. Which metal is connected to the positive terminal of the battery?

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  40. Which solution is used as the electrolyte in Nelson's process?

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  41. What happens to `Cu^(2+)` ions at the cathode? Complete the equation.

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  42. What happened to the copper ions? Oxidation/Reduction?

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  43. Complete the equations given below.
    a) `H_(2)SO_(4)+Znrarr......`
    b) `H_(2)SO_(4)+2NaOH rarr......`
    c) `H_(2)SO_(4)+CaCO_(3)rarr......`

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  44. Find out examples of chromium plating and extend the list

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  45. Compare the electrolysis of molten potassium chloride and solution of potassium chloride. What are the pro cesses taking place at the cathode and the anode?

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  46. You are given a solution of `AgNO_3` , a solution of `MgSO_4` , a Ag rod and a Mg ribbon. How can you arrange a Galvanic cell using these? Write down the reactions taking place at the cathode and the anode.

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  47. Keep two carbon rods immersed in copper sulphate solution.Then pass electricity through the solution: At which electrode does colour change occur anode or cathode?

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  48. Keep two carbon rods immersed in copper sulphate solution.Then pass electricity through the solution: Is there any change in the blue colour of the copper sulphate solution?

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  49. Keep two carbon rods immersed in copper sulphate solution.Then pass electricity thr-ough the solution: Write down chemcial equations for the changes occuring here.

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  50. When acidified copper sulphate solution is electrolysed oxygen is obtained at the anode. What arrangements are to be made for this? Find the element deposited at the cathode.

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  51. How many Galvanic cells can be made by using the metals Ag, Cu, Zn and Mg. When Galvanic cells are made using the metals given, what will be the nature of reactions in each cell? (Reactivity: Mg gt Zn gt Cu gt Ag).

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  52. How many Galvanic cells can be made by using the metals Ag, Cu, Zn and Mg. When Galvanic cells are made using the metals given, what will be the nature of reactions in each cell? (Reactivity: Mg gt Zn gt Cu gt Ag).

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  53. Take cold water and Hot water in two test tubes, Add one or two drops of phenolphthalein in it Drop equally sized Mg ribbon in it: In which test tube pink colour occurred sharply?

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  54. Take cold water and Hot water in two test tubes,Add one or two drops of phenolphthalein in it Drop equally sized Mg ribbon in it: Why did pink colour appear in that test tube so early?

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  55. Take cold water and Hot water in two test tubes,Add one or two drops of phenolphthalein in it Drop equally sized Mg ribbon in it: Which gas evolved out from both test tubes?

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  56. Take cold water and Hot water in two test tubes,Add one or two drops of phenolphthalein in it Drop equally sized Mg ribbon in it: Write balanced equation for the above mentioned reaction.

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  57. Cut a small sodium metal piece into two, watch it: What change occurred on the surface of sodium metal?

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  58. Cut a small sodium metal piece into two, watch it: Write one word for the process of this type of decomposition.

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  59. Cut a small sodium metal piece into two, watch it: Write down the equations for this.

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  60. Take equal quantities of dil HCI in four test tubes. Drop Mg, Zn, Fe,Cu in each test tube. Watch carefully: Arrange metals in decreasing order or reactivity.

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  61. Take equal quantities of dil HCI in four test tubes. Drop Mg, Zn, Fe,Cu in each test tube. Watch carefully: Write balanced equation for each reaction.

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  62. Some metals and metallic compounds are given in the table. If the metal substitute the metal in the compound, put a tick mark in the corresponding column and otherwise a cross mark in the column. Write down correct answer based on the table given below.
    : Correct the table if necessary.

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  63. Some metals and metallic compounds are given in the table. If the metal substitute the metal in the compound, put a tick mark in the corresponding column and otherwise a cross mark in the column. Write down correct answer based on the table given below.
    : Write down balanced equations for all the true sign given in the table.

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  64. Draw maximum number of Galvanic cell using substance given in the table.
    Complete the table based on the figures drawn.

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  65. Draw maximum number of Galvaniccell using substance given in the table.

    : Write down the general names used for an electrode which gives electrons.

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  66. Draw maximum number of Galvanic cell using substance given in the table.

    Metals in that electrode in the reactivity series is ………………. (in the Top, Bottom)

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  67. Draw maximum number of Galvanic cell using substance given in the table.
    : General name of the Electrode which accepts electron.

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  68. Draw maximum numberof Galvaniccell us ing substance given in the table.
    : Process of giving electron is………….

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  69. Draw maximum numberof Galvaniccell us ing substance given in the table.
    : Process of Accepting electron is ………….

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  70. Draw any one of the Galvaniccell using substance given in the table.
    : Direction of the flow of Electron……………..

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  71. Draw maximum number of Galvanic cell using substance given in the table.
    : Write down the balanced equation taking place in both electrodes.

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  72. Take Cupricchloride `(CuCI_2)` solution in a 'beaker. Dip two graphite rod in it. Pass 5V electricity through it: Why electricity passes through cupric chloride solution?

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  73. Take Cupricchloride `(CuCI_2)` solution in a 'beaker. Dip two graphite rod in it. Pass 5V electricity through it: Which gas evolved out through positive electrode? How did you identify that gas?

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  74. Take Cupricchloride `(CuCI_2)` solution in a 'beaker. Dip two graphite rod in it. Pass 5V electricity through it: Which gas evolved out through positive electrode? How did you identify that gas?

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  75. Take Cupric chloride `(CuCI_2)` solution in a 'beaker. Dip two graphite rod in it. Pass 5V electricity through it: In which electrode oxidation and reduction takes place?

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  76. Take Cupricchloride `(CuCl_2)` solution in a 'beaker.Dip two graphite rod in it. Pass 5V electricity through it: Write one word for the process of chemical change happening in a Electrolyte while passing Electricity?

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  77. Take 25 ml water in a beaker and the pass electricity through it. Then add little sulphuric acid init: Why electricity didn't pass through pure water?

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  78. Take 25 ml water in a beaker and the pass electricity through it. Then add little sulphuric acid in it: What happens when dil `H_2SO_4` is added?

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  79. Take 25 ml water in a beaker and the pass electricity through it. Then add little sulphuric acid in it: Which type of ion formed more when sulphuric acid is added in water.

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  80. Take 25 ml water in a beaker and the pass electricity through it. Then add little sul-phuric acid in it: Complete the equation of the Ionization of `H_2SO_4` `H_2SO_4rarr2H^+……………….`. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Based on the equation given below write down the correct answers. `2H^+ +.............+2H_2Orarr2H_3O^++SO_(4)^(2-)`

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  81. Take 25 ml water in a beaker and the pass electricity through it. Then add little sulphuric acid in it: Complete the equation

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  82. Take 25 ml water in a beaker and the pass electricity through it. Then add little sulphuric acid in it: What happens when dil `H_2SO_4` is added?

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  83. Take 25 ml water in a beaker and the pass electricity through it. Then add little sulphuric acid in it: Which type of ion formed more when sulphuric acid is added in water.

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  84. Take 25 ml water in a beaker and the pass electricity through it. Then add little sulphuric acid init: Why electricity didn't pass through pure water?

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  85. Take 25 ml water in a beaker and the pass electricity through it. Then add little sul-phuric acid init: Which ion is having highest oxidation po-tential?

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  86. Take 25 ml water in a beaker and the pass electricity through it. Then add little sulphuric acid in it: What happens when dil `H_2SO_4` is added?

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  87. Take 25 ml water in a beaker and the pass electricity through it. Then add little sul-phuric acid init: Ions remain in the beaker after the elec-trolysis are …………….,……………

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  88. Take 25 ml water in a beaker and the pass electricity through it. Then add little sulphuric acid in it: What happens when dil `H_2SO_4` is added?

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  89. Complete the table based on the Electrolysis of molten sodium chloride.

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  90. Write down the reaction taking place in each electrodes and products formed in the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution.

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  91. Why is hydrogen formed at the cathode instead of sodium in electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride?

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  92. Write one word for a solution undergoes chemical change when electricity passes through it.

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  93. Reaction is taking place in each electrodes in electrolysis of sodium chlorides solution. Write the name of the above process.

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  94. Which gas is bubbled on the surface of so-dium metal?

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  95. Write balanced equation of the reaction between sodium and water.

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  96. What products occurs when Iron reacts with water vapour?

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  97. Lusture of magnesium disappeared fast when it placed in open space why?

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  98. Verdigris formed on copper utensils after somedays why?

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  99. Lustre of aluminium utensils disappear af-tersome days.Why ?

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  100. Write down the equation for the reaction between `CuSO_4`,and ironnail? What type of reaction is this?

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EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter REACTIVITY SERIES AND ELECTROCHEMISTRY of BODY BOOKS PUBLICATION of Class 10