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Complete Solutions to CONSOLIDATED EXERCISE of chapter HEAT AND TEMPERATURE of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions12
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The oceans are the reservoir from which water (1) _____ into the atmosphere to later (2) ______ as rain and snow. Oceans play a major role in moderating the earth's temperature and climate. Because of (3) ______ of water, water is slow to heat up or cool down. When water cools down, a large amount of heat is (4) ______ the surroundings. On the other hand, water (5) ______ great deal of heat before its temperature increases. The large heat capacity is the reason that land bordering the oceans experiences (6)_____ temperatures. The moderating influence of the oceans can be seen when we look at seasonal temperature variations for two cities at the same latitude, with one in the coastal region and the other in the continental region. The city in the continental part experiences strong seasonal fluctuations (7) ______winters and (8) ______ summers. The oceans do a great job of both making summers (9) _____ and winter (10) ____ for a city in the coastal region.
    (a) large heat capacity
    (b) cooler
    (c) cold (d) evaporates
    (e) moderate (f) absorbs
    (g) warmer (h) hot
    (i) precipitate (j) transferred to

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  2. Match the following:

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  3. Rankine scale is a temperature scale which takes the absolute zero of temperature as `0^(@)R` and the magnitude of one part in Rankine scale is same as that in Fahrenheit scale.
    Answer the following questions linked with the above statement
    How much is `0^(@)R` (absolute zero) equal to in Fahrenheit scale.

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  4. Rankine scale is a temperature scale which takes the absolute zero of temperature as `0^(@)R` and the magnitude of one part in Rankine scale is same as that in Fahrenheit scale.
    Answer the following questions linked with the above statement
    What is the relation between temperature in Fahrenheit scale and temperature in Rankine scale?

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  5. Rankine scale is a temperature scale which takes the absolute zero of temperature as `0^(@)R` and the magnitude of one part in Rankine scale is same as that in Fahrenheit scale.
    Answer the following questions linked with the above statement
    What is the melting point of water in Rankine scale?

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  6. Rankine scale is a temperature scale which takes the absolute zero of temperature as `0^(@)R` and the magnitude of one part in Rankine scale is same as that in Fahrenheit scale.
    Answer the following questions linked with the above statement
    What is the boiling point of water in Rankine scale?

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  7. Rankine scale is a temperature scale which takes the absolute zero of temperature as `0^(@)R` and the magnitude of one part in Rankine scale is same as that in Fahrenheit scale.
    Answer the following questions linked with the above statement
    How many parts can the interval between boiling point and freezing point of water be divided into in Rankine scale?

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  8. Two solid blocks having same mass but different material are supplied heat at a constant rate. They have same initial temperature. The graph between temperature and time is shown.

    Answer the following questions on the basis of information given in the above statement.
    Which material has higher specific heat capacity in solid state?

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  9. Two solid blocks having same mass but different material are supplied heat at a constant rate. They have same initial temperature. The graph between temperature and time is shown.

    Answer the following questions on the basis of information given in the above statement.
    Which material has higher specific heat capacity in liquid state?

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  10. Two solid blocks having same mass but different material are supplied heat at a constant rate. They have same initial temperature. The graph between temperature and time is shown.

    Answer the following questions on the basis of information given in the above statement.
    Which material has higher specific heat capacity in gaseous state?

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  11. Two solid blocks having same mass but different material are supplied heat at a constant rate. They have same initial temperature. The graph between temperature and time is shown.

    Answer the following questions on the basis of information given in the above statement.
    Which material has higher latent heat of fusion?

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  12. Two solid blocks having same mass but different material are supplied heat at a constant rate. They have same initial temperature. The graph between temperature and time is shown.

    Answer the following questions on the basis of information given in the above statement.
    Which material has higher latent heat of vaporisation?

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CONSOLIDATED EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter HEAT AND TEMPERATURE of CENGAGE PHYSICS of Class 10