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Complete Solutions to Olympiad and NTSE Level Exercises of chapter NATURE OF LIGHT AND PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE PHYSICSOlympiad and NTSE Level Exercises
Number Of Questions9
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The de - Broglie wavelength of a particle moving with a velocity `2.25 xx 10^(8) m//s` is equal to the wavelength of photon. The ratio of kinetic energy of the particle to the energy of the photon is (velocity of light is `3 xx 10^(8) m//s`

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  2. A caesium photocell , with a steady potential difference of `60 V` across , is alluminated by a bright point source of light `50 cm` away. When the same light is placed `1 m` away the photoelectrons emitted from the cell

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  3. The stopping potential V for photo-electric emission from a metal surface is plotted along Y-axis and frequency v of incident light along X-axis. A straight line is obtained as shown . Planck's constant is given by

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  4. Light of wavelength `4000 Å` falls on a photosensitive metal and a negative `2 V` potential stops the emitted electrons. The work function of the material ( in eV) is approximately `( h = 6.6 xx 10^(-34) Js , e = 1.6 xx 10^(-19) C , c = 3 xx 10^(8) ms^(-1))`

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  5. Mercury violet `(lambda = 4558 Å)` is falling on a photosensitive material `(phi = 2.5 eV)`. The speed of the ejected electrons is in `ms^(-1)` , about

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  6. The fig. shows the variation of photon current with anode potential for a photo-sensitive surface for three different radiation. Let `I_(a), I_(b) and I_(c)` be the intensities and `f_(a), f_(b) and f_(c)` be the frequency for the curves a,b and c respectively.

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  7. Assertion : If different gases are filled turn by turn at the same pressure in the discharge tube the discharge in them takes place at the same potential.
    Reason : The discharge depends only on the pressure of discharge tube and not on the ionisation potential of gas.

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  8. A physicist wishes to eject electrons by shining light on a metal surface. The light source emits light of wavelength of 450 nm. The table lists the only available metals and their work functions.
    Which metal(s) can be used to produce electrons by the photoelectric effect from given source of light?

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  9. A physicist wishes to eject electrons by shining light on a metal surfac. The light source emits light of wavelenght of 450 nm. The table lists the only available metals and their work functions.
    Suppose photoelectric experiment is done separately with these metals with light of wavelenght 450 nm. The maximum magnitude of stopping potential amongst all the metals. is-

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Olympiad and NTSE Level Exercises questions and complete solutions for chapter NATURE OF LIGHT AND PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT of CENGAGE PHYSICS of Class 10