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Complete Solutions to ADDITIONAL QUESTION SOLVED - State whether true or false . If false , give the correct statement . of chapter PERIODIC CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

FULL MARKSADDITIONAL QUESTION SOLVED - State whether true or false . If false , give the correct statement .
Number Of Questions34
Academic Year2023-24
  1. First period containsonly one element

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  2. The valency of all alkali metals is one

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  3. Noble gases are more reactive .

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  4. The atomic radius decreases from Li to B

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  5. As the positive charge increases , the size of the cation also increases .

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  6. Copper pyrit ore is concentrated by gravity separation method .

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  7. Aluiminium alloyed with gold and silver for making coins and iewels.

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  8. The corrosive action in the presence of moisture is called wet corrosion.

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  9. The physical and chemical properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic numbers - modern periodic law

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  10. The long form of periodic table consists of horizontal rows called group and vertical column called period

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  11. The first period in the periodic table is the shortest period and contain 8 element from Lithium to Neon .

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  12. The Sixth period in the periodic table is the longest period and contains 32 elements

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  13. Group 1,2 and 13-18 are called normal element (or)main group element (or) represenntive elements.

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  14. The atomic Size of th elements in a period increases from left to right .

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  15. In a period , the metallic character of the element increases while their non mtallic character decreases

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  16. The last element authenticated by IUPAC is Cn 112 [Copernuicium] .

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  17. Silver was the first metal to be used in making utensils and weapons

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  18. The strategic metals such as copper , silver and gold are used in the manufacturing of defence equipments

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  19. Copper , silver and gold are called coinage metals .

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  20. For making ornament 24 carat gold is used which is pure gold

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  21. The mineral form which a metal can be readily and economically exteracted on a large scale is said to be an ore .

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  22. The rocky impurity associated with the ore is called flux .

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  23. Slag is the fusible product formed when flux reacts with gangue during the extraction of metals

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  24. Metals which have high chemical reactivity are found in free state or in native stae .

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  25. Aluminium is the metal found most abundantly in the earth 's crust.

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  26. Aluminium is a reddish brown metal and it is a bad conductor of heat and electricity

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  27. Aluminium reacts with strong causitc alkalis forming aluminates .

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  28. Conc. Nitric acid render aluminium active due to the formation of ntiride film on its surface .

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  29. Aluminium is a powerful reducing agent

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  30. Duralumin alloy is light , having high tensile strength and corrosion resistant

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  31. Fe and `Al_(2)O_(3)` is used in the thermite welding

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  32. The chief ore of copper is Ruby Copper

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  33. Iron is a lustrous greyish white metal and can be magnetised.

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  34. The rust has the chemical formula as `Fe_(3)O_(4)`

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ADDITIONAL QUESTION SOLVED - State whether true or false . If false , give the correct statement . questions and complete solutions for chapter PERIODIC CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS of FULL MARKS CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 10