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Complete Solutions to QUESTION BANK of chapter DISPERSION AND SCATTERING OF LIGHT of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions54
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A 4-V battery is connected to a lamp of resistance `4 Omega`. Calculate the current through the lamp.

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  2. A 3-V battery is connected across a `5-Omega` resistance. Calculate the heat produced in 5 seconds.

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  3. An electric kettle is rated 500W, 220V. It is used to heat water for 30 seconds. Assuming the voltage to be 220 V, calculate the heat produced.

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  4. Calculate the current in a wire if 900 C of charge passes through it in 10 minutes.

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  5. How much current will flow through a resistor of resistor of resistance `12 Omega` if a battery of 18 V is connected across it ?

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  6. Calculate the resistance of a copper wire of length 1 m and area of cross section `2 mm^2`. Resistivity of copper is `1.7xx10^(-5) Omega m`.

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  7. Calculate the wattage of an electric heater which draws 5A current when connected to a 220-V power supply.

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  8. When a particle of charge `10mu C` is brought from infinity to a point P,2.0 Mj of work is done by the external forces. What is the potential at P?

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  9. Calculate the work done in taking a charge of 0.02 C from A to B if the potential at A is 20 V, and that at B is 30V.

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  10. How much charge flows through a wire in 10 minutes if the current through it is 2.5 A?

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  11. A 2-V cell is connected to a `1-Omega` resistor . How many electrons come out of the negative terminal of the cell in 2 minutes ?

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  12. The amount of charge passing through a cell in 4 seconds is 12 C. What is the current supplied by the cell?

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  13. A 6-V battery is connected across a `5-Omega` resistor.Calculate the current passing through the resistor .

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  14. When a 24V battery is connected to resistor, the current in it is 0.4 A. What is the resistance of the resistor ? What would be the current through it when it is connected to a battery of 6V?

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  15. In an experiment, the current flowing through a resistor and the potential difference across it are measured. The values are given below. Show that these values confirm Ohm's law, and find the resistance of the resistor.
    `{:("i(ampere)" ,1.0 ,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0),("V(volt)" ,4.0, 6.0,8.0,10.0,12):}`

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  16. The resistivity of copper is `1.7xx10^(-8) Omega m.` What length of copper wire of diameter 0.1 mm will have a resistance of `34 Omega` ?

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  17. The resistivity of copper is `1.7xx10^(-8) Omega m.` Another copper wire of the same length but of half the diameter as the first is taken. What is the ratio of its resistance to that of the first wire ?

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  18. Three resistors, each of resistance `12 Omega`, are connected in parallel. What is the equivalent resistance ?

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  19. A uniform wire of resistance R is cut into two equal pieces, and these pieces are joined in parallel. What is the resistance of the combination ?

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  20. How will you join the resistors of resistances `3 Omega, 6 Omega` and `8 Omega` to get an equivalent resistance of `10 Omega`?

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  21. Find the current supplied by the cell in the circuit shown in Figure 4.E3.

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  22. In the circuit shown below, calculate the total resistance of the circuit and the current flowing through it.

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  23. Figure 4.E5 shows a part of an electric circuit. The reading of the ammeter is 3.0 A. Find the currents through the `10 Omega` and `20 - Omega` resistors.

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  24. A 12 -V battery connected to a bulb drives a current of 2.0 A through it. Find the energy supplied by the battery in 10 minutes.

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  25. A current of 1.5 A flows through a wire of `8 Omega` Find the amount of heat produced in 10 seconds.

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  26. A current of 2A produces 200J of heat in a wire in a given period of time. If the current is increased to 4A, how much heat will be produced in the same time ?

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  27. A bulb is rated 5.0 V, 100 mA. Calculate its rated power and resistance.

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  28. Calculate the resistance of a bulb rated 40 W ,230 V when in On condition.

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  29. Calculate the current `10Omega` and `20Omega` are joined in series. A potential difference of 12 V is applied across the combination. Find the power consumed by each resistor.

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  30. Two resistors of resistances `10 Omega` and `20 Omega` are joined in series. A potential difference of 12V is applied across the combination. Find the power consumed by each resistor.

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  31. Two resistors of resistances `10 Omega` and `20 Omega` are joined in parallel. A potential difference of 12V is applied across the combination. Find the power consumed by each resistor.

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  32. Calculate the energy consumed in kilowatt hours by a 60-W fan in 2 hours.

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  33. A heater draws 1100 W at 220 V. Find the resistance of the heater when in On condition

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  34. A heater draws 1100 W at 220 V.Calculate the kilowatt hours consumed in a week if the heater is used daily for four hours at the rated voltage .

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  35. A bulb used in a car is rated 12 V, 48 W. Find the energy consumed in one minute when the bulb is connected to a 12 -V battery.

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  36. A bulb used in a car is rated 12 V, 48 W. Find the energy consumed in one minute when the bulb is connected to a 6 -V battery.

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  37. The potential at a point is 20 V. The work done in bringing a charge of 0.5 C. from infinity to this point will be

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  38. A negative charge released from a point A moves along the line AB. The potential at A is 15 V, and it varies uniformly along AB. The potential at B.

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  39. A charge is taken a point A to a point B. The work done per unit charge in the process is called

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  40. Joule/coulomb is the same as

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  41. A voltmeter is used to measure

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  42. On which of the following no plus' or 'minus' sign is marked ?

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  43. An ammeter is always connected in ………. And a voltmeter in ……. . The suitable words, in order, for the blanks are

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  44. In a metal,

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  45. The free electrons of a metal are free to

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  46. The current in a wire depends

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  47. Consider the following incomplete statement "Ohm's law relates potential difference with … for a given resistance".The suitable choice of the missing word is

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  48. Consider the following statements:( A ) In series connection, the same current flows through each element.
    B. In parallel connection, the same potential difference is applied across each element.

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  49. It is not possible to have a particel with charge `20xx10^(-19) C.

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  50. An electron released from rest at a point A moves towards a nearby point B. The potential at A is higher than the potential at B.

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  51. A metal has a large number of electrons, but a nonmetal has only a small number of electrons.

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  52. The Positive terminal of cell is connected to the end A, and the negative terminal is connected to the end B of a metallic wire AB. Electrons flow in the wire in the direction B to A.

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  53. If two equal resistances are connected in parallel the equivalent resistance is halved.

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  54. A thick wire has a larger resistance than a thin wire.

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QUESTION BANK questions and complete solutions for chapter DISPERSION AND SCATTERING OF LIGHT of HC VERMA of Class 10