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Complete Solutions to SECTION-II of chapter SAMPLE PAPER 2012 of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterSAMPLE PAPER 2012
Number Of Questions57
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Given below is an experimental set-up to demonstrate a particular process. Study the same and answer the questions that follow :

    Name the physiological process being studied.

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  2. Given below is an experimental set-up to demonstrate a particular process. Study the same and answer the questions that follow :

    Explain the process being studied.

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  3. Given below is an experimental set-up to demonstrate a particular process. Study the same and answer the questions that follow :

    What is the aim of the above experiment ?

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  4. Given below is an experimental set-up to demonstrate a particular process. Study the same and answer the questions that follow :

    What would you observe in the experimental set up after an hour? Give a reason to support your answer.

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  5. Given below is an experimental set-up to demonstrate a particular process. Study the same and answer the questions that follow :

    Mention any three adaptations found in plants to overcome the physiological process mentioned in being studied.

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  6. Give technical term for:
    A membrane which allows the passage of molecules selectively.

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  7. Give biological/ technical terms for the following:
    The suppressed allele.

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  8. Give technical term to the following:
    The structure that carries visual stimuli from retina to the brain.

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  9. Give biological technical terms for the following
    Squeezing out of white blood cells from the capillaries into the surrounding tissues,

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  10. Give technical term to the following:
    Protective membranes covering the human brain and spinal cord.

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  11. Give technical term to the following:
    Eye lens losing flexibility resulting in a kind of long-sightedness in elderly people.

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  12. Give technicallbiological term for the following:
    (I) Hormone which stimulate other endocrine glands to produce their specific hormones.

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  13. Give technical term :
    The phase in the menstrual cycle in which the remnant of follicle in the ovary turns into corpus luteum.

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  14. Give biologicaVtechnical term for the following
    Statistical study of human population.

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  15. Give the biological terms for each of the following:
    Introduction of weakened germs into the body to develop resistance against a disease.

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  16. Given alongside is the diagram of a cell as seen under the microscope after being placed in a solution.

    What technical term is used for the state/ condition of the cell given ?

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  17. Given alongside is the diagram of a cell as seen under the microscope after being placed in a solution.

    Name the parts numbered 1-4.

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  18. Given alongside is the diagram of a cell as seen under the microscope after being placed in a solution.

    Name the parts numbered 1-4.

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  19. Given alongside is the diagram of a cell as seen under the microscope after being placed in a solution.

    Is the cell given above plant cell or animal cell ?
    Give two reasons in support of your answer as evident from the diagram.

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  20. Given alongside is the diagram of a cell as seen under the microscope after being placed in a solution.

    Name the parts numbered 1-4.

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  21. Differentiate between the following pair on the basis of what is mentioned within bracket.
    Natality and mortality (definition).

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  22. Differentiate between the following pairs as directed in the brackets
    Stoma and stroma (structure)

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  23. Differentiate between the following:
    Acromegaly and Cretinism (symptoms)

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  24. Differentiate between the following:
    Guttation and transpiration

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  25. Differentiate between the following pairs on the basis of what is mentioned in brackets :
    Diabetes mellitus and Diabetes insipidus (reason/cause)

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  26. The diagram given below represents an organ system in the human body. Study the same and answer the questions that follow:

    Identify the system.

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  27. The diagram given below represents an organ system in the human body. Study the same and answer the questions that follow:

    Identify the system.

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  28. The diagram given below represents an organ system in the human body. Study the same and answer the questions that follow:

    Identify the system.

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  29. Briefly explain the following physiological processes:
    Significance of osmosis

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  30. Briefly explain the Allele

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  31. Explain briefly :

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  32. Explain the term Reflex action.

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  33. An electrical synapse differs from a chemical synapse in that the electrical synapse :

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  34. Study the diagram given below and then answer the questions that follow :

    (i) Name the part labelled A. Name any two hormones produced by the part labelled A.
    (ii) What happens to the part labelled B if :
    (1) fertilisation takes place?
    (2) fertilisation does not take place ?
    (iii) Where does fertilisation occur ?
    (iv) Draw a neat diagram of the human sperm as seen under high magnification and label the following parts: (a) Acrosome (b) Mitochondria.

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  35. Study the diagram given below and then answer the questions that follow :

    (i) Name the part labelled A. Name any two hormones produced by the part labelled A.
    (ii) What happens to the part labelled B if :
    (1) fertilisation takes place?
    (2) fertilisation does not take place ?
    (iii) Where does fertilisation occur ?
    (iv) Draw a neat diagram of the human sperm as seen under high magnification and label the following parts: (a) Acrosome (b) Mitochondria.

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  36. Study the diagram given below and then answer the questions that follow :

    Where does fertilization occur ?

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  37. Study the diagram given below and then answer the questions that follow :

    (i) Name the part labelled A. Name any two hormones produced by the part labelled A.
    (ii) What happens to the part labelled B if :
    (1) fertilisation takes place?
    (2) fertilisation does not take place ?
    (iii) Where does fertilisation occur ?
    (iv) Draw a neat diagram of the human sperm as seen under high magnification and label the following parts: (a) Acrosome (b) Mitochondria.

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  38. A homozygous plant having round (R) and yellow (Y) seed is crossed with a homozygous plant having wrinkled (r) and green (y) seeds.
    Give the scientific name of the plant on which Mendel conducted his hybridization experiments.

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  39. A homozygous plant having round (R) and yellow (Y) seed is crossed with a homozygous plant having wrinkled (r) and green (y) seeds.
    Give the genotype of `F_1` generation.

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  40. A homozygous plant having round (R) and yellow (Y) seed is crossed with a homozygous plant having wrinkled (r) and green (y) seeds.
    Give the dihybrid phenotypic ratio and the phenotype of the offspring of the `F_2` generation when two plants of the `F_1` generation are crossed.

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  41. A homozygous plant having round (R) and yellow (Y) seed is crossed with a homozygous plant having wrinkled (r) and green (y) seeds.
    Name and state the law which explains the dihybrid ratio.

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  42. A homozygous plant having round (R) and yellow (Y) seed is crossed with a homozygous plant having wrinkled (r) and green (y) seeds.
    Give the possible combination of gametes that can be obtained from `F_1` hybrid.

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  43. The diagram given below is an experiment conducted to study a factor necessary for photosynthesis Observe the diagram and then answer the following questions

    What is the aim of the experiment

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  44. The diagram given below is an experiment conducted to study a factor necessary for photosynthesis Observe the diagram and then answer the following questions

    Name the test performed on the leaf and the solution used for the test

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  45. The diagram given below is an experiment conducted to study a factor necessary for photosynthesis Observe the diagram and then answer the following questions

    What type of leaf was used for the experiment? Give an example

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  46. The diagram given below is an experiment conducted to study a factor necessary for photosynthesis Observe the diagram and then answer the following questions

    What is the expected result of the above test on the parts labelled A and B ?

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  47. The diagram given below is an experiment conducted to study a factor necessary for photosynthesis Observe the diagram and then answer the following questions

    Give a balanced chemical equation to represent the process of photosynthesis

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  48. The diagrams given below show the cross-section of two kinds of blood vessels :

    Name the parts numbered 1 and 2

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  49. The diagrams given below show the cross-section of two kinds of blood vessels :

    Name the parts numbered 1 and 2

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  50. The diagrams given below show the cross-section of two kinds of blood vessels :

    When are the sounds "LUBB" and "DUP produced during a heartbeat?

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  51. The diagrams given below show the cross-section of two kinds of blood vessels :

    Name the blood vessel that
    (1) begins and ends in capillaries

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  52. Draw a well labelled diagram of a 'Neuron' and name the following parts: Node of Ranvier

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  53. Name the following: The parts of human brain concerned with
    (a) seat of memory (b) coordinates muscular activity.

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  54. List any two activities of WHO.

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  55. Draw a well labelled diagram of metaphasic chromosome.

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  56. Answer the following questions briefly.
    List two reasons for the population explosion in India.

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  57. Why is pituitary gland called the "master gland" ?

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SECTION-II questions and complete solutions for chapter SAMPLE PAPER 2012 of EVERGREEN BIOLOGY (ENGLISH) of Class 10

All Exercises from GURUKUL Class 10 BIOLOGY SAMPLE PAPER 2012