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Complete Solutions to Choose the correct answer of chapter GENETICS : MENDEL'S LAW OF INHERITANCE of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

OSWAL GURUKULChoose the correct answer
Number Of Questions33
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which sex chromosomes are present in all mature human sperm cells?

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  2. Which one of the following is the phenotypic monihybrid ratio in `F_(2)` generation ?

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  3. If a pure tall plant is crossed with a pure dwarf plant, then offspring will:

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  4. After mitotic cell division, a female human cell will have :

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  5. A cross was made between tall and dwarf plants. In `F_(1)`generation all plants were tall, when the `F_(1)` plants were selfed, the tall and dwarf plants appeared in 3:1 ratio in `F_(2)` generation. This is due to :

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  6. The recessive gene is one that expresses itself in :

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  7. Genetics is the study of:

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  8. What is the transmission of genetic information from generation to generation known as?

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  9. Which chromosomes can be found in a single sperm?

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  10. Which structure will be found in the nucleus of a body cell in a woman?

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  11. What are the chromosomes for the two sexes in human beings?

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  12. What is always found in female gametes and may be found in male gametes?

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  13. In a plant species, the allele for red flowers, R, is dominant to the allele for white flowers, r. Homozygous red-flowered plants, RR, are crossed with homozygous white- flowered plants, rr. What is the colour of the flowers produced by the offspring of this cross?

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  14. Which word describes an individual who has two identical alleles for a particular gene?

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  15. The allele for detached earlobes is dominant to the allele for attached earlobes. Two parents are heterozygous for detached earlobes. What is the probability of their first child having attached earlobes?

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  16. Which term is used for an organism that has two different alleles of a particular gene?

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  17. The phenotype of an organism is its:

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  18. What will be the genotypes of the offspring resulting from a genetic cross between two individuals, one of which is homozygous dominant, (TT), and the other heterozygous?

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  19. When white-flowered pea plants are crossed with red- flowered pea plants, the offspring (`F_(1)`) all have red flowers. If these `F_(1)` plants pollinate themselves, the next generation (`F_(2)`) contains both red and white flowered plants. Which statement explains this?

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  20. A cross between a tall plant (TT) and short pea plant (tt) resulted in progeny that were all tall plants because:

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  21. In human males all the chromosomes are paired perfectly except one. This/these unpaired chromosome is/are:
    (i) Large chromosome
    (ii) Small chromosome
    (iii) Y-chromosome
    (iv) X-chromosome

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  22. Mendel selected which of the following traits for his studies:

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  23. Which of these characters is dominant?

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  24. Which statement concerning a pair of alleles for a gene controlling a single characteristic in humans is true?

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  25. A genotype can be described as:

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  26. The sex of a person depends on:

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  27. F represents the gene for brown coat colour and f represents the gene for white coat colour. In the cross FF x ff all the offspring have a brown coat. Which genetic principle is illustrated by this cross?

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  28. In pea plants, yellow seeds are dominant to green. If heterozygous yellow seeded plant is crossed with a green seeded plant, what ratio of yellow and green plants would you expect in `F_(1)` generation ?

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  29. Among the following characters, which one was not considered by Mendel in his experiments on pea ?

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  30. In a homozygous pea plant, axial flowers (a) are dominant over terminal flowers. What is the phenotype of the `F_(1)` generation if a plant bearing pure axial flowers is crossed with a plant bearing pure terminal flowers?

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  31. An individual has the genotype Rr. What is the correct description of this genotype?

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  32. When white-flowered pea plants are crossed with red-flowered pea plants, the offspring (`F_(1)`) all have red flowers. If these `F_(1)` plants pollinate themselves, the next generation (`F_(2)`) contains both red and white flowered plants. Which statement explains this?

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  33. Match the items of column A with those in Column B and select the correct option

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Choose the correct answer questions and complete solutions for chapter GENETICS : MENDEL'S LAW OF INHERITANCE of EVERGREEN BIOLOGY (ENGLISH) of Class 10