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Complete Solutions to REVIEW QUESTIONS of chapter TRANSPIRATION of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Name the following :
    Respiratory openings found on the stem of woody plants.

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  2. Potomater is used for measuring

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  3. In which of the following plant sunken

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  4. Name the following :
    An apparatus to compare the rate of transpiration in a cut shoot.

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  5. Name the following :
    Kidney shaped cells present at the borders of stomata.

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  6. Name the following :
    Respiratory openings found on the stem of woody plants.

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  7. Name the following :
    Loss of cell sap from the injured part of a plant.

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  8. Name the following :
    The loss of water from injured parts of a plant.

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  9. Name the outermost layer of the epidermis.

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  10. Given below are certain biological statements which are incomplete and hence incorrect. Rewrite the correct form of the statement by inserting suitable word/words at right place. Do not delete any word already given in the statement. Underline the inserted word/words.
    Transpiration is the loss of water from the leaves of a plant.

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  11. Given below are certain biological statements which are incomplete and hence incorrect. Rewrite the correct form of the statement by inserting suitable word/words at right place. Do not delete any word already given in the statement. Underline the inserted word/words.
    The opening and closing of stomata is controlled by guard cells.

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  12. Given below are certain biological statements which are incomplete and hence incorrect. Rewrite the correct form of the statement by inserting suitable word/words at right place. Do not delete any word already given in the statement. Underline the inserted word/words.
    More transpiration occurs from the dorsiventral leaf.

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  13. Given below are certain biological statements which are incomplete and hence incorrect. Rewrite the correct form of the statement by inserting suitable word/words at right place. Do not delete any word already given in the statement. Underline the inserted word/words.
    Guttation is the loss of water along the margins of leaves

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  14. Given below are certain biological statements which are incomplete and hence incorrect. Rewrite the correct form of the statement by inserting suitable word/words at right place. Do not delete any word already given in the statement. Underline the inserted word/words.
    Bleeding is the exudation of sap or watery solution from the parts of a plant.

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  15. State whether true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form :
    Rate of transpiration is directly proportional to the surface area of the leaves.

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  16. State whether true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form :
    The plants transpire more in high humid conditions outside the plant.

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  17. State whether true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form :
    Bleeding in plants takes place because of reduced root pressure.

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  18. State whether true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form :
    Stomatal pores open or close in response to the turgor pressure of the guard cells.

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  19. State whether true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form :
    Transpiration is more from the upper surface of a leaf as compared to lower surface in a dorsiventral leaf.

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  20. List three external factors that increase the rate of transpiration

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  21. Give a brief account of significance of transpiration.

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  22. Comment upon the following :
    Plants have to pay the price of photosynthesis in the form of transpiration.

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  23. Comment upon the following :
    Transpiration is a necessary evil.

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  24. Comment upon the following :
    Some plants show wilting of their leaves, even when the soil is well watered.

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  25. Comment upon the following :
    A higher rate of transpiration is recorded on windy days rather than on a calm day.

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  26. Comment upon the following :
    During the day transpiration and photosynthesis are interlinked

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  27. Comment upon the following :
    The leaves of plants roll up on a bright sunny day.

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  28. Define the following terms:

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  29. Define the following terms:

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  30. Define the following terms:

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  31. Define the following terms:

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  32. Define the following terms:

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  33. Define the following terms:

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  34. Differentiate between the following:
    Transpiration and evaporation

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  35. Transpiration and guttation

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  36. Differentiate between the following:
    Stomata! and Lenticular Transpiration

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  37. Differentiate between the following:
    Stomata and Hydathodes.

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  38. Differentiate between:
    Guttation and Bleeding

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  39. [A]: Wax, resin and suberin coating on the surface of plant parts reduce the rate of transpiration.
    [R]: These adaptations are found mostly in xerophytes.

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  40. What is transpiration ? Mention various kinds of transpiration.

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  41. Given below is the diagram of an experimental set-up to study the process of transpiration in plants. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow :

    What is the colour of dry cobalt chloride paper?

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  42. Given below is the diagram of an experimental set-up to study the process of transpiration in plants. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow :

    ls the experimental leaf a monocot or a dicot ? Give a reason to support your answer.

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  43. Given below is the diagram of an experimental set-up to study the process of transpiration in plants. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow :

    Why are glass slides placed over the dry cobalt chloride papers ?

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  44. Given below is the diagram of an experimental set-up to study the process of transpiration in plants. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow :

    After about half an hour what change, if any, would you expect to find in the cobalt chloride papers placed on the dorsal and ventral sides of the leaf? Give a reason to support your answer.

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  45. Given below is the diagram of an experimental set-up to study the process of transpiration in plants. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow :

    Define the term 'transpiration'.

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  46. Given below are sets of five terms each. In each case rewrite the terms in logical sequence as directed at the end of each statement.
    Stoma, Mesophyll cells, Xylem, Substomatal space, lntercellular space (loss of water due to transpiration),

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  47. Write in a logical sequence
    Cortical cells, roots hair, soil water, endodermis, xylem (entry of water into the plant from the soil).

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  48. Given below are sets of five terms each. In each case rewrite the terms in logical sequence as directed at the end of each statement.
    Spongy cells, upper epidermis, stoma, palisade tissue, substomatal space.

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  49. Given below is an experimental set-up to study a particular process:

    Name the process being studied.

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  50. Given below is an experimental set-up to study a particular process:

    Name the process being studied.

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  51. Given below is an experimental set-up to study a particular process:

    Why is the pot covered with a plastic sheet ?

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  52. Given below is an experimental set-up to study a particular process:

    Mention one way in which this process is beneficial to the plant.

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  53. Given below is an experimental set-up to study a particular process:

    Suggest a suitable control for this experiment.

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  54. Give the specific function of the following structures found in the body of plants.

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  55. Give the specific function of the following structures found in the body of plants/animals.

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  56. Give the specific function of the following structures found in the body of plants/animals.

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  57. Give the specific function of the following structures found in the body of plants/animals.
    Guard cells

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  58. The diagram given below represents a structure found In a leaf.

    Study the same and answer the questions that follow:
    Name the parts labelled A and B.

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  59. The diagram given below represents a structure found In a leaf.

    Study the same and answer the questions that follow:
    What is the biological term for the above structure?

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  60. The diagram given below represents a structure found In a leaf.

    Study the same and answer the questions that follow:
    What is the function of the part labelled A?

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  61. The diagram given below represents a structure found In a leaf.

    Study the same and answer the questions that follow:
    Mention two structural features of A, which help in the function labelled in A above

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  62. The diagram given below represents a structure found In a leaf.

    Study the same and answer the questions that follow:
    Where is this structure likely to be found in a leaf?

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  63. The diagram given below represents a structure found In a leaf.

    Study the same and answer the questions that follow:
    The above structure helps in the process of transpiration. Explain the term transpiration.

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  64. The diagram given below represents a structure found In a leaf.

    Study the same and answer the questions that follow:
    How many other cells are found surrounding this structure as seen In the diagram.

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  65. Mention three adaptations found in plants to reduce transpiration.

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  66. Explain the term root pressure.

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  67. Explain how the rate of transpiration Is affected on :
    a windy day

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  68. Explain how the rate of transpiration Is affected on :
    a foggy day

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  69. Choose the correct answer
    Loss of water as droplets from hydathodes is called:

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  70. Choose the correct answer
    Which one of the following does not affect the rate of transpiration ?

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  71. Give the exact location of

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  72. Give the exact location of

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  73. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow :

    Name the process being studied in the experiment.

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  74. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow :

    Name the process being studied in the experiment.

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  75. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow :

    Why is oil placed over water

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  76. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow :

    What do we observe with regard to the level of water when this set-up is placed in (1) bright sunlight (2) humid conditions (3) windy day

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  77. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow :

    Mention any three adaptations found in plants to overcome the process studied in the experiment. .

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  78. Match the following :

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  79. Given below is an experimental set-up to demonstrate a particular process. Study the same and answer the questions that follow :

    Explain the process being studied.

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  80. Given below is an experimental set-up to demonstrate a particular process. Study the same and answer the questions that follow :

    What is the aim of the above experiment ?

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  81. Given below is an experimental set-up to demonstrate a particular process. Study the same and answer the questions that follow :

    What would you observe in the experimental set up after an hour? Give a reason to support your answer.

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  82. Given below is an experimental set-up to demonstrate a particular process. Study the same and answer the questions that follow :

    Mention any three adaptations found in plants to overcome the physiological process mentioned in being studied.

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  83. Between the bark and the wood in a woody stem, there is a layer of meristem called :

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  84. Name the following :
    An apparatus to compare the rate of transpiration in a cut shoot.

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  85. Find the odd one out : transpiration, Photosynthesis, Phagocytosis and Guttation

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  86. The figure given below represents an experimental setup with a weighing machine to demonstrate a particular process in plants. The experimental set -up was placed in bright sunlight. Study the diagram and answer the following questions :

    Name the process intended for study.

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  87. The figure given below represents an experimental setup with a weighing machine to demonstrate a particular process in plants. The experimental set -up was placed in bright sunlight. Study the diagram and answer the following questions :

    Name the process intended for study.

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  88. The figure given below represents an experimental setup with a weighing machine to demonstrate a particular process in plants. The experimental set -up was placed in bright sunlight. Study the diagram and answer the following questions :

    When the weight of the test tube (A & B) is taken before and after the experiment, what is observed? Give reasons to justify your observation in A & B.

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  89. The figure given below represents an experimental setup with a weighing machine to demonstrate a particular process in plants. The experimental set -up was placed in bright sunlight. Study the diagram and answer the following questions :

    What is the purpose of keeping the test tube Bin the experimental set-up?

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  90. Balsam plants wilt during midday even if the soil is well watered. Give scientific reason.

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  91. The diagram of an apparatus given below demonstrates a particular process in plants. Study the same and answer the questions that follow :

    Name the apparatus.

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  92. The diagram of an apparatus given below demonstrates a particular process in plants. Study the same and answer the questions that follow :

    Which phenomenon is demonstrated by this apparatus?

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  93. The diagram of an apparatus given below demonstrates a particular process in plants. Study the same and answer the questions that follow :

    Name the apparatus.

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  94. The diagram of an apparatus given below demonstrates a particular process in plants. Study the same and answer the questions that follow :

    State two limitations of using this apparatus.

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  95. The diagram of an apparatus given below demonstrates a particular process in plants. Study the same and answer the questions that follow :

    What is the importance of the air bubble in the experiment ?

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  96. The diagram of an apparatus given below demonstrates a particular process in plants. Study the same and answer the questions that follow :

    Name the structures in a plant through which the above process takes place.

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  97. Give biological reason for the following statements :
    In some xerophytes, leaves are modified into spines.

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  98. Give biological reason for the following statements :
    Plants growing in fertilized soil are often found to wilt if the soil is not adequately watered.

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  99. The diagram below represents a process in plants. The setup was placed in bright sunlight. Answer the following questions :

    Name the physiological process depicted in the diagram .
    Why was oil added to the water?

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  100. The diagram below represents a process in plants. The setup was placed in bright sunlight. Answer the following questions :

    When placed in bright sunlight for four hours, what do you observe with regard to the initial and final weight of the plant?
    Give a suitable reason for your answer.

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REVIEW QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter TRANSPIRATION of EVERGREEN BIOLOGY (ENGLISH) of Class 10