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Complete Solutions to Problems based on Mole Concept & Avogadro.s Number of chapter MOLE CONCEPT & STOICHIOMETRY (PART-A GAY LUSSAC'S LAW - AVOGADRO'S LAW-MOLE CONCEPT) of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

ALLIED PUBLICATIONProblems based on Mole Concept & Avogadro.s Number
Number Of Questions13
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Calculate the number of moles of nitrogen in 7g of nitrogen [N = 14]

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  2. Calculate the mass of 50 cc of CO at s.t.p. [C = 12, O = 16]

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  3. Calculate the volume at s.t.p. occupied by `6.023 xx 10^(22)` molecules of a gas X

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  4. Calculate the number of molecules in 1 kg of sodium chloride. [Na = 23, Cl = 35.5]

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  5. Calculate the atomicity of a gas 'X' if 1g. of 'X' occupies 11,200 cc at s.t.p. [at. wt. of 'X' = 1]

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  6. 0.48 g of a gas forms `100 cm^(3)` of vapours at s.t.p. Calculated the gram molecular wt of the gas.

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  7. Calculate the weight of a substance X which in gaseous form occupies 10 litres at `27^(@)C` and 700mm pressure. The molecular weight of X is 60.

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  8. Calculate the gram atoms present in 8 g of oxygen [O = 16].

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  9. Calculate the gram molecules present in 45 g of water. [H = 1, O = 16]

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  10. 1 mole of `SO_(2)` occupies `24 d m^(3)` at room temperature and pressure. Calculate the following at room temperature and pressure. i] The mass of 6 litres of `SO_(2)` ii] The volume occipied by 80 g. of `SO_(2)` iii] The number of molecules in 0.64 g. of `SO_(2)` if one mole of `SO_(2)` contains N molecules iv] The weight of 0.5 gm. molecules of `SO_(2) [S = 32, O = 16] " " [1 dm^(3) = 1 "litre"]`.

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  11. Calculate i] the number of moles ii] the total number of molecules iii] the total number of atoms iv] the number of hydrogen atoms - in 294 g. f sulphuric acid. [h = 1, S = 32, o = 16]

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  12. If gases 'A', 'B', 'C' are arranged in increasing in order of their relative molecular mass & the mass of each gas is 10 g. at s.t.p. State which gas will contain the least number of molecules & which the most.

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  13. Calculate the number of moles of zinc `[Zn^(2+)]` ions and chlorine `[Cl^(1-)]` ions which will be obtained from 272 g. of `ZnCl_(2)`. [Zn = 65, Cl = 35.5]

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Problems based on Mole Concept & Avogadro.s Number questions and complete solutions for chapter MOLE CONCEPT & STOICHIOMETRY (PART-A GAY LUSSAC'S LAW - AVOGADRO'S LAW-MOLE CONCEPT) of EVERGREEN CHEMISTRY (ENGLISH) of Class 10