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Complete Solutions to Questions (A. Gay Lussac.s law - Problem based) of chapter PART B (STIOCHIOMETRY) PRECENTAGE COMPOSITION - EMPIRICAL & MOLECULAR FORMULA CHEMICAL EQUATION CALCULATIONS of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

ALLIED PUBLICATIONQuestions (A. Gay Lussac.s law - Problem based)
Number Of Questions8
Academic Year2023-24
  1. `[C_(4)H_(10)]` [40%] is burnt. Calculate the total volume of carbon dioxide formed. Combustion reactions of the mixture are represented as - `C_(3)H_(8) + 5O_(2(g)) + 3CO_(2(g)) + 4H_(2)O_((g)) , 2C_(4)H_(10(g)) + 13O_(2) rarr 8CO_(2(g)) + 10H_(2)O_((g))`

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  2. 67.2 litres of H, combines with 44.8 litres of `N_(2)` to form `NH_(3) : N_(2)(g) + 3H_(2) (g) + 3H_(2)(g) rarr 2NH_(3)(g)`. Calculate the vol. of `NH_(3)` produced. What is the substance, if any, that remains in the resultant mixture.

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  3. What volume of oxygen is required to burn completely `90md^(3)` of butane under similar conditions of temperature & pressure. `2C_(4)H_(10)+13O_(2) rarr 8CO_(2) + 10H_(2)O`

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  4. What volume of ethyne gas at s.t.p is required to produce `8.4 dm^(3)` of carbon dioxide at s.t.p. `2CH_(2) + 5O_(2) rarr 4CO_(2) + 2H_(2)O` [H = 1, C= 12, O=16]

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  5. If 6 litres of hydrogen and 4 litres of chlorine are mixed and exploded & if water is added to the gases formed, find the volume of the residual gas.

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  6. The equation `4NH_(3) + 5O_(2) rarr 4NO + 6H_(2)O`, represents the catalytic oxidation of ammonia. If `100cm^(3)` of ammonia is used, calculate the volume of oxygen required to oxidize the ammonia completely.

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  7. Propane burns in air according to the following equation: `C_(3)H_(8)+5O_(2) + 3CO_(2) +4H_(2)O`. What volume of propane is consumed on using `1000cm^(3)` of air, considering only 20% of air contains oxygen.

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  8. Ethane burns in `O_(2)` to form `CO_(2)` & `H_(2)O: 2C_(2)H_(6) + 7O_(2) rarr 4CO_(2) + 6H_(2)O`. If 1250 cc. of oxygen is burnt with 300 cc. of ethane - Calculate the: i] volume of `CO_(2)` formed ii] volume of unused `O_(2)` [600cc., 200cc.]

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Questions (A. Gay Lussac.s law - Problem based) questions and complete solutions for chapter PART B (STIOCHIOMETRY) PRECENTAGE COMPOSITION - EMPIRICAL & MOLECULAR FORMULA CHEMICAL EQUATION CALCULATIONS of EVERGREEN CHEMISTRY (ENGLISH) of Class 10